Questions & Mysteries Onis and Fishmen - Two Sides of the same Coin

In Chapter 1025 Kaido said, that Onis should rather rule over Humans, than be Friends with them. I thought that this would be something, Arlong would say. So i compared the two charakters. I don`t know how to make Tables here.

Kaido (Oni)
Onis should rule over Humans
Basic on Island of Humans
More reserved and less brutal
Crew and Orochi are more brutal than him
Don`t care about his Crew
Strongest Creature in the World
Don`t kill strong People, rather break them
Was Part of the Rocks-Pirates
Was imprisoned (Ryumas Enemy called the Dragon, that Ryuma killed. Mihawk is based on Ryumas Enemy)
Kaido shot Oden

Arlong (Fishmen)
Fishmen should rule over Humans
Basic on Island of Humans
Less reserved and more brutal
Crew and Rat (Navy-captain) are less brutal than him
Care about his Crew
Strongest Creature in the East Blue
Kill strong people because they are dangerous (wanted to kill Zorro because he was strong)
Was Part of the Sun-Pirates
Was imprisoned and rescued by Jimbei
Arlong shot Bellemere

Looks like there are two sides of the same Coin. Then I looked at Yamato and Nami.

Yamato (Dog)
Is an actual Oni
Brave and strong
Honor of the Samurai
Wants to kill Kaido
Kaido imprisoned her
Fought Kaido
First Appearance on Onigashima
Possible New Crewmember

Nami (Cat)
Was called a Mermaid and was compared to Shirahoshi
Fearful and rather weak
Wanted to throw out Arlong
Was not actually imprisoned, but couldn’t flew either
Worked for Arlong
First Appearance before Arlong Park
New Crewmember

At last I compared Onigashima and Arlong Park. It looks like Wanokuni/Onigashima is a way bigger Version of Arlong Park.

Wanokuni (Onigashima)
Ruffys Team crashed with the Ship
Zorro and Usopp came sooner (with Franky and Robin)
Zorro was imprisoned and nearly killed himself (fought Samurai after that)
Zorro wanders around the Island
Zorro met Luffy, the Rest later
Zorro was badly wounded from Kaido and Big Mom (will get Problems with his Wounds)
Luffy was under Water and was rescued
Straw Hats and Allies attacked Onigashima
Jimbei and possibly Yamato joins and Carrot left the Crew
Cipher Pol (Shield)

Konomi-Islands (Arlong Park)
Ruffys Team crashed with the Ship
Zorro and Usopp came sooner (with Johnny and Nami)
Zorro was imprisoned and nearly killed himself (fought Arlongs Crew after that)
Zorro wanders around the Island
Zorro met the Rest of the Crew together
Zorro was badly wounded from Mihawk (Got Problems with his Wounds while he fought Arlong)
Luffy was under Water and was rescued
Straw hats and Villagers attacked Arlong Park
Nami joins and Yosaku and Johnny left the Crew
Rat (Navy-Captain)
Marine (Sword)

Fisher Tiger - Don`t wanted to kill People (Frees Slaves in Marie Joa)
The Crew was like a Family

Rocks D Xebec - Kills People (Was like a Terrorist) (something with Celestrial Dragons in God Valley)
Everyone in the Crew rivals with everyone

- went to Sea
- was a Pirate
- got a Family
- attacked Kaido
- was shooted

- went to Sea
- was a Marine
- got a family
- Arlong attacked her
- was shooted

It can be, that I forgot something, or that there is still more, but its really looks like, that there is a Connection between Onis and Fishmen. I watched the second Video from Ohara about the Fishmen and the Sun Tree Eve and found something interesting.

Pluton (Underworld)
Jewel Tree Adam (maybe Emerald Town is the Town of the Oni and is on the Roots of it)
Its the Tree, Oro Jackson and Thousand Sunny where made of.

Poseidon (Sea)
Sun Tree Eve (Fishman Island is on the Roots of it)

Sky people
Uranus (Sky)
Giant Jack (the Town of Gold was on its Top)

Tree of Knowledge (Adam and Eve ate from its Apples)

More of that and why Fishmen and Onis are connected here:

I wonder what all of this says about the Story in generous and Kaidos Backstory.
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There`s really more to Nami and Yamato. Look at the Scene where they met Luffy first. Nami was running away from Pirates and Luffy fought them. Yamato was helping Luffy while he was fighting Pirates. Or Nami wanted the Straw Hats to get away from her Island. Yamato wanted to Join the fight. Nami asked for help at last. Yamato too but, she wanted to fight with Luffy. I think Nami and Yamato could have a Relationship like Zorro and Sanji. Thats why I think, that Yamato will join the Crew. I wrote much about Zorro but Sanji is also interesting. His fight in Arlong Park was his first one as a Straw Hat. Now he is fighting Queen with a new Power-up, so its his first fight with new Power. Another interesting thing is, that Hacchi wasn`t an Enemy long after his fight with Zorro. So maybe King won`t be an Enemy after he lose to Zorro. Arlong was punched through his Base and it was destroyed. i think somethink similar could happen to Onigashima. Luffy, maybe with Gear 5 punch Kaido down trough the whole Island and while doing so destroys Onigashima. After Arlong Park was destroyed the Marine came and wanted to take Control over Namis Village. In Wanokuni is Cipher Pol, who wants to take control over the country. In Arlong Park they beat the Marine and had a Banquet. That can mean, that they will beat Cipher Pol after Kaido and than have a Banquet too. Arlong Park was also the Place where Luffy became his first Bounty. So maybe after Wanokuni he will get his hightest and final Bounty.

Arlong Park and Wanokuni has another thing in common. Arlong wanted that no information gets to the Marine. And Rat didn`t give Information to the Headquarter. The People from Wanokuni don`t get Information from outside. The Country is closed. And not much Information goes to the outside World. Arlong don`t wanted to be attacked by the Marine. That could mean, that the World Government don`t want an Attack from Wanokuni. (Two Sides of the same Coin) With Uranus for example.

So, what will happen with Kaido and Onigashima?
In Alabasta Crocodile wanted to be King. In Dressrosa Doflamingo was the King. Crocodiles Action became clear after the fight. Doflamingos Actions became clear before the Fight.

In Arlong Park Luffy fought for Nami and not for the Island. In Wanokuni Luffy fight for the Island and not for Yamato. Luffy didn`t know who Arlong was before the Fight. Luffy knows who Kaido was before the Fight. Luffy destroyed Namis Room before Arlong Park. Luffy won`t destroy a Room from Yamato, so maybe he isn`t the One that destroy Onigashima. When Onigashima lands, it won`t get fully destroyed because of that. So its more likely, that it explode. Maybe while Luffy does the final Hit to Kaido. And the Explosion would be a Reference to Alabasta.

After Luffy last Kick Arlong Park crumbled and gets destroyed in a big Dustcloud. In the next chapter we saw Luffy above the ruin and Arlong with the Sun in his back. He called Nami his new Crewmate and after that the Marine came to take over the Island. They where beaten by Zorro and Nami and then they had a banquet.

But what about Onigashima? Will Luffy destroy Onigashima or will it explode first. Will we see him above the Ruins maybe with the Moon or the morning Sun on his back? He don`t fight for Yamato so I think he won`t say that Yamato will be his new Crewmate. I think that will be the Point where the CP0 came. Will they beat the CP0 and have a banquet after this?

What do you think about that?
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I rember Arlong park was destroyed with Luffy`s foot
If what you describe fishmen and oni, maybe Onigashima could be split in half with Luffy`s conqueres foot. Falling and missing Wano to making Wano bigger.
Yes it could. But I`m not sure. Dressrosa is another Arc thats bigger than another Arc (Alabasta). In Dressrosa Doflamingo was punched Down. He was the King on the Throne and was punched down from the Sky into the Underground, where his Underworld was. In Alabasta Crocodile was punched out of the Underground. He wasn`t the King and nobody knew what he has done. He was punched into the Light while Doflamingo was punched into the Dark. The Fight against Arlong began before the House and ended up on the Top (the hightest Floor). The Fight against Kaido began on the Top of the Palace. It could be that Luffy split Onigashima but I`m not sure if the Fight ends here. Or the Island lands somewehere and the Fight goes on before it. Or Kaido will be beaten while Luffy splits Onigashima and the is another Difference. Maybe, that Kaido will die. Arlong didn`t die, so Kaido could.

The Flower Capital is on a Hill like Alubarna. Maybe Onigashima will explode like the Bomb from Alabasta.

I edited something about the Sun-Pirates and the Rocks-Pirates.

Arlong Park and Wanokuni has another thing in common. Arlong wanted that no information gets to the Marine. And Rat didn`t give Information to the Headquarter. The People from Wanokuni don`t get Information from outside. The Country is closed. And not much Information goes to the outside World. Arlong don`t wanted to be attacked by the Marine. That could mean, that the World Government don`t want an Attack from Wanokuni. (Two Sides of the same Coin) With Uranus for example.
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- went to Sea
- was a Pirate
- got a Family
- attacked Kaido
- was shooted

- went to Sea
- was a Marine
- got a family
- Arlong attacked her
- was shooted

So, what will happen with Kaido and Onigashima?
In Alabasta Crocodile wanted to be King. In Dressrosa Doflamingo was the King. Crocodiles Action became clear after the fight. Doflamingos Actions became clear before the Fight.

In Arlong Park Luffy fought for Nami and not for the Island. In Wanokuni Luffy fight for the Island and not for Yamato. Luffy didn`t know who Arlong was before the Fight. Luffy knows who Kaido was before the Fight. Luffy destroyed Namis Room before Arlong Park. Luffy won`t destroy a Room from Yamato, so maybe he isn`t the One that destroy Onigashima. When Onigashima lands, it won`t get fully destroyed because of that. So its more likely, that it explode. Maybe while Luffy does the final Hit to Kaido. And the Explosion would be a Reference to Alabasta.

After Luffy last Kick Arlong Park crumbled and gets destroyed in a big Dustcloud. In the next chapter we saw Luffy above the ruin and Arlong with the Sun in his back. He called Nami his new Crewmate and after that the Marine came to take over the Island. They where beaten by Zorro and Nami and then they had a banquet.

But what about Onigashima? Will Luffy destroy Onigashima or will it explode first. Will we see him above the Ruins maybe with the Moon or the morning Sun on his back? He don`t fight for Yamato so I think he won`t say that Yamato will be his new Crewmate. I think that will be the Point where the CP0 came. Will they beat the CP0 and have a banquet after this?[/QUOTE]
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