Versus Battle Ousen army vs Juuko Army

Right here we have 5 Generals vs 4 Generals.

6 GG and Commander in Chief=Ousen
1 General in Ousen army= Akou
2 General in Ousen army=Makou.
3 General in Ousen Army Denrimi.
4 General in Ousen Army= Chou'Ou and that Giant woman.


Great General and Commander in Chief=Man'U.
General= Sento'Un.
General= Gen'Un.
Stretegist= Juuko'Ou.

Who wins?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
It really just depends on the terrain, Ousen should not be slept on when he is given complex terrain to work with. In just a straight up field, the Juuko gang probably wins with Man’U and Sento’Un being too much for Ousen’s vassals to compete with, but Ousen probably gives them a very hard time with strategy and tactics.

The Juuko army high/extreme diffs?