Randomized Poll Answers Option

Is it possible to add feature to randomized poll answers option? Something that you can tick/un-tick depending on preference.

Randomized poll answers option is a feature that provide more neutral stimulus at poll.
It may be useful if the options are quite many and we dont need ordinal rank for it.
If we need ordinal rank (like, rate chapter from 1-5 star, we can un-tick the feature to randomized poll answers option)

Current popularity post that is held on Forum Event section made me hipothesized that the higher the characters name was posted on the option, the more he/she will get a vote.

I don't say that those characters didn't deserve their vote.
It is just to give each character more equal chance to be voted.

As someone who has background in Psychology and Experimental Research, randomizing answers option tend to give more "diverse" option and is more favorable for certain type of survey/poll.

It may improve the experience at using poll feature in this forum.