Powers & Abilities Rank the Akatsuki by how cool their powers are

1. Pain - the Rinnegan just has a lot of really cool abilities, and Pain’s cool demeanor also helps

2. Sasori - man made puppets look sick as fuck.

3. Obito - Kamui is cool, though tbh I am bothered by it because it is blatantly too overpowered for even a MS ability, and the fact that it could be spammed seemingly nonstop doesn’t help.

4. Itachi - Would have been higher were it not for Amaterasu and Susano’o being milked nonstop after Itachi’s death.

5. Kakuzu - Pretty versatile since he can use every element, and his ability to fuse with his masks are interesting, as well as his black tendril stuff (I forget its name)

6. Deidara - I appreciate that he uses his explosive clay in versatile ways, which keeps it entertaining

7. Kisame - He’s my favorite character, but his abilities are pretty straightforward. He’s just a god at water style, and he has a sword which can absorb chakra.

8. Konan - Her paper ability is interesting, but not as interesting as the rest. Doesn’t help that she was also underused

9. Hidan - Too one dimensional.

10. Zetsu - Lame.
Lemme Bump this rq by saying my top 3 cuz I'm too lazy.

1. Deidara. Just love his moveset. The versatility of his clay is outstanding + it looks cool as hell. One of the best combinations in the Naruto verse hands down. Plus the extra mouths looks goofy but hella cool at the same time.

2. Pain. A no brainer. He has way too many abilities to not find at least 1 cool.

3. Obito. Albeit simple, his Kamui paired up with some wood release made his kit very very likeable, op and versatile.
1. Nagato
2. Deidara
3. Itachi-Sword of Totsuka
4. Kisame-Samehada
5. Sasori
6. Konan
7. Obito- maybe I rate him down because everyone in Boruto can time-space jump now?
8. Kakuza
9. Hidan
10. Zetsu


I will never forgive Oda
0. Orochimaru

Dunno if I even need to say anything here. His snake jutsu is crazy awesome. Shrugging off his arm being torn off? Rebuilding bodies in an instant? Immortality? Giant snake summons? And the flamboyant demeanor in all his fights as he does it? S+ work

1. Nagato / Pein

Stacked with so many abilities and the sheer mystery of Pein itself makes it all the better. But Shinra Tensei, Bansho Ten'in, Chibaku Tensei? Come on, those are some of the most iconic moves in Naruto.

2. Uchiha Obito

Kamui is a really visually appealing style, it's fast, it's wicked, and it feels overpowered while having a blatant exploit that even Sakura pointed out. But it's totally stylish. Obito's Tobi Mask swirling in and out of scenes was the shit.

3. Uchiha Itachi

Illusions are by themselves cool. Tsukuyomi? Next level. Black flames from Hell? Awesome. Cool ass red eyes? Even better. Susano'o and his rigged ass spirit weapons just top it all off.

4. Deidara

There's something about his fighting style, reaching into clay bags, chewing on clay and tossing out sculptures that appeals to me. It's aesthetically pleasing in how disconcordant the visual is.

5. Sasori

I really dig the 3rd Kazekage's Iron Sand, I love the 298 Puppet Spam, visually that's intimidating and intriguing. But puppet jutsu itself is under used and pretty neat.

6. Kakuzu

The thread gimmick feels a little similar to Sasori, but the multiple hearts and his monstrous doubles are wicked fun to look at. I like the idea that he's able to completely "heal" himself by taking other's hearts. If he dies 3x times in a battle, so long as he has 3 opponents, he can walk out even.

7. Hidan

Total style points. Swinging a giant, metal weapon, acrobatic, has some demon god sorcery bullshit? Very appealing.

8. Hoshigaki Kisame

His isn't as visually interesting. Water's cool, Samehada's cool. But Samehada rarely gets to rend flesh and Water is always used to disorient foes, rather than finish them off. It all works and Kisame's got a cool fighting style, but he comes up a bit boring compared to the rest.

9. Konan

The anime made her dope, ngl. But the manga? She doesn't fight too well with her paper, she's got nothing but shuriken and paper bombs to her name.

10. Zetsu

Any form. Even spiral mask in the War Arc. None of it's cool.
I'd put Konan lower and put Obito above Itachi.

Konan is also a one trick pony and her trump card should realistically take years of prep. Besides the billions of exploding tags I don't think she brings that much to the table.

Obito basically only has one counter and that's Kakashi. Literally no one else could do anything against him. And with his Senju DNA he can spam Kamui seemingly without limit. I think he could just outlast Itachi due to the illness. That's assuming that Madara didn't give him a counter for Susanoo that we don't know about. Remember that he studied at Madara's feet for months if not longer, that's a lot of time. And even before Kabuto showed up he felt that the war had a chance of success. His only weakness is that at the end of the day he's still the goofball hurting because the woman he liked died. https://xender.vip/
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I'd put Konan lower and put Obito above Itachi.

Konan is also a one trick pony and her trump card should realistically take years of prep. Besides the billions of exploding tags I don't think she brings that much to the table.

Obito basically only has one counter and that's Kakashi. Literally no one else could do anything against him. And with his Senju DNA he can spam Kamui seemingly without limit. I think he could just outlast Itachi due to the illness. That's assuming that Madara didn't give him a counter for Susanoo that we don't know about. Remember that he studied at Madara's feet for months if not longer, that's a lot of time. And even before Kabuto showed up he felt that the war had a chance of success. His only weakness is that at the end of the day he's still the goofball hurting because the woman he liked died.
Obito top 1.
Hitachi, Pain and Deidara...

Goofy tobi/tobidara was good but bobito iz probably a worst character ever in naruto...oh no my rinrin die time to be evil....
1. Obito - Kamui solos
2. Hidan - immortality is badass
3. Nagato - Rinnegan...
4. Kakuzu - Earth grudge fear is badass
5. Deidara - who doesn't like explosions?
6. Itachi - Tsukuyomi's kinda cool
7. Kisame - succ
8. Konan - closest thing to badass that paper can get
9. Sasori - Puppets are lame
10. Zetsu - Just a talking plant

If we're considering other members, i don't care for the other original members but Kyusuke's lava release is probably in the middle somewhere, Orochimaru's probably nearer the bottom - would be higher if we actually saw all of the (allegedly) thousands of Ninjutsu he knew. Juzo's near the bottom just above Zetsu because he's a worse Zabuza.