General & Others Rank the best Emperors Stomp

Rank the best Emperors Stomp

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Emperor Kaido vs. Fifth Emperor Luffy (Chapter 923)

Emperor Linlin vs. All-Star Queen (Chapter 946)

Emperor Teach vs. Warlord Boa Hancock (Chapter 1059)

Emperor Shanks vs. 3 Billion Bounty Kid (Chapter 1079)

Rank not only in terms of power level, but also stylistically.
And you still have people in this forum who believe YC1 are anywhere close their captains:kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh:
clear thing since long time bc Marco couldn't do shit against Akainu and wb wrecked said guy
Regarding the question.. Kaidou whooped the "fifth emperors" ass quite well and mercilessly
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Shanks had the best and most impressive one.
Kaido destroyed a version of Luffy who was not remotely comparable to him
Big Mom killed a nobody
Boa had actually dealt with some of Blackbeard's crew
Shanks baby shook Kidd who had just played a major part in defeating Big Mom. Its not even a contest.
Lmao including Big Mom despite the fact that she lost that fight in the end shows how bad she was.
How did she lose lmao she knocked his ass out and he literally thought she'd kill him
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He didnt.

I would say near death state, but not dead. Zunesha just couldnt hear his heart, but we dont know if it literally stopped.
Momo said his "voice" went out, which usually means someone's dead.