We all have our takes and headcanons that are at least a deviation from the median opinion, merely not so widely accepted by the fandom, or even firmly outside the Overton window. It'll be fun to list them out, hear what others think about it and maybe even laugh over them together.
My headcanon is unparalleled, so to start with, I'll list mine out first:
Some Notes
I evaluated my takes relative to the broader ToG anglosphere. So some of the takes that may seem tame and sane here, end up making it here anyway because I've seen pushback to them elsewhere, or a contrary opinion is more widely accepted.
I also included some takes that while they are not as controversial now were more controversial before.
Do please rate them. I'm also curious as to what number do you begin to disagree for each of the headcanons?
Also, let me know of any of my takes that you think should make this list but were absent.
My headcanon is unparalleled, so to start with, I'll list mine out first:
Cinera's Controversial Takes
I grouped mine according to characters/groups. Each character/group is ranked from least insane to most insane. I don't fully endorse some of the more insane takes (there are some I think are probably wrong).- Corps Commanders
- They are not Top 100 High Rankers.
- The Top 3 Branch Leaders of the Lo Po Bia Family are stronger than them.
- Jinsung is stronger than Kallavan.
- Lyborick
- His "water vapour" is a Khun shinsu quality.
- He feels inferiority towards (some) natural-born Lightning Spear Bearer(s).
- His fighting style is just a discount Maschenny Zahard.
- Ran
- He was trained by Maschenny Zahard.
- He is the most talented non-Princess Regular of the Khun Family.
- Excluding AA power up shenanigans.
- His potential is higher than Lyborick.
- He has the potential to become a Top 100 High Ranker.
- He has the potential to become a Top 50 High Ranker.
- The "Maschenny" Branch and Bloodline
- Only Maschennies can use Redan.
- The Maschenny Style Lightning Spear technique is on a pedestal above other Lightning Spear techniques.
- The Maschennies are the most powerful branch of the Khun Family.
- The Maschenny bloodline is the most powerful Khun bloodline.
- Khun Maschenny is a daughter of Eduan.
- The Maschenny bloodline is the most powerful bloodline among the 10 Families.
- Khuns
- Lyborick is not a Top 10 Khun.
- Elliot is not a Top 10 Khun.
- The median Faction Leader of the Khun Family is stronger than Lyborick.
- The median "Spear Master" is stronger than Lyborick.
- The Khuns are not actually spear bearers, their innate genetic talent is for shinsu quality manifestation.
- Eduan
- His theme is weather manipulation.
- He is the strongest Family Head.
- He is stronger than Urek Mazino.
- Asensio
- Asensio is "Marco Asensio" from the Hidden Floor.
- Asensio is stronger than Dokoko.
- Asensio is a Top 200 High Ranker.
- Asensio is a Top 20 Khun.
- Asensio is at least on par with the Corps Commanders.
- Asensio is stronger than Lyborick.
- Asensio is stronger than Elliot.
- Asensio is Top 10 in the Khun Family.
- Asensio is stronger than Prime White.
- Asensio is stronger than the Top 3 Lo Po Bia Branch Leaders.
- Individually of course
- Asensio's potential is Top 5 in the Khun Family.
- Asensio is a Top 100 High Ranker.
- Asensio is Top 5 in the Khun Family.
- Asensio's potential is Top 3 in the Khun Family.
- Asensio's potential is Top 50 in general.
- Princesses
- Season 1 and 2 Yuri was the weakest Princess.
- The median Princess is stronger than Corps Commanders.
- Garam Zahard is significantly stronger than Corps Commanders.
- Great Family Princesses have the potential to become Top 50 High Rankers.
- The Princesses (as a group) are much stronger than any Great Family (without the Family Leader).
- Great Family Princesses have the highest potential in their Families.
- Enne was defeated by a team of Princesses without Zahard's interference.
- Great Family Princesses have the potential to become one of the 20 strongest non Irregulars.
- Great Family Princesses could defeat Rankers as Regulars.
- Maschenny Zahard
- Maschenny is the commander of the Nest Operation.
- Maschenny is much stronger than Yuri Zahard.
- Maschenny is a Top 100 High Ranker.
- Maschenny is Top 5 within the Khun Family.
- Maschenny is stronger than Lyborick.
- Maschenny is stronger than Khun Royale Elliot.
- Maschenny never seriously exerted herself in combat during Season 2.
- Maschenny is stronger than Garam Zahard.
- Maschenny is one of the Top 4 13 Month Princesses.
- Maschenny is the mastermind behind the Nest.
- Maschenny is Eduan's favourite child.
- Maschenny's potential is the greatest in the Khun Family.
- Maschenny is much stronger than Corps Commanders.
- Maschenny is Top 3 within the Khun Family.
- Maschenny is peerless among Lightning Spear Bearers.
- Maschenny is a Top 50 High Ranker.
- Maschenny is stronger than Hagipherione.
- Maschenny could defeat Rankers as a Regular.
- Maschenny is Top 1 in the Khun Family.
- Maschenny is the strongest non Irregular Spear Bearer.
- Maschenny has the potential to become one of the Top 10 non Irregulars.
- Maschenny already is one of the Top 10 non Irregulars.
- Maschenny can stall Traumerei.
Some Notes
- Unless said otherwise, "Princess" strictly refers to the Ranker Princesses.
- "Top X in the Khun Family" naturally excludes Eduan.
- It does include everyone else that bears the "Khun" name and Khun Princesses.
- All comments on Spear Bearers or spear techniques also exclude Eduan.
- "Corps Commanders" refers to the Corps Commanders that have been introduced so far (Lyborick, Kallavan, Yasratcha).
- "Top X High Ranker" strictly refers to the X strongest High Rankers.
I evaluated my takes relative to the broader ToG anglosphere. So some of the takes that may seem tame and sane here, end up making it here anyway because I've seen pushback to them elsewhere, or a contrary opinion is more widely accepted.
I also included some takes that while they are not as controversial now were more controversial before.
Do please rate them. I'm also curious as to what number do you begin to disagree for each of the headcanons?
Also, let me know of any of my takes that you think should make this list but were absent.
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