"Kid is so arrogant why didn't he learn his lesson the first time", it is clear that Kid haters are completely detached from reality and have no idea what its like and what is required to seriously compete in a sport and succeed. Look at all the real life UFC fighters and boxers. They are all like Kid. They are determined and ambitious, but are also arrogant, boisterous and have a bit of an ego. That is what real life competitors are like. You think after they lose a fight/match they just give up? No, they call out the person right after demanding a rematch, believing they can win the next time. They retain their confidence. That is a fighters/sportsman mentality. Personality doesn't win people fights. The people in real life with Luffy's and Shanks personalities aren't winning anything. These people are those who sucked at sport as a kid and kept getting outperformed by people like Eustass Kid. Then those people started watching animes to watch characters with their personalities succeed in a fictional world.
In real life, all shanks personality people have Oda's fat physique (Oda has shanks personality after all). So it's not surprising that the majority of this fanbase hates Kid. It is an anime fandom after all.
In real life, all shanks personality people have Oda's fat physique (Oda has shanks personality after all). So it's not surprising that the majority of this fanbase hates Kid. It is an anime fandom after all.