Okay, I probably need to preface ALL of this by saying that I don’t know any Japanese. I’m at best an “enthusiast”. A more honest way to say it might be “weeb”. I’m interested in some of this, but on a technical level, I honestly don’t have the foundation to say that I actually know what I’m talking about. So….take this all with a huge bag of salt. Because I could easily be wrong about ALL of this. It’s possible that I don’t know something obvious and fundamental that someone who can actually speak Japanese would know. This WHOLE thing might be a giant waste of time, just because of that.
Also, spoilers for later on in this bit of speculation. But this ENTIRE rambling mess is literally based on the idea that Reverse Mountain kinda-sorta looks like a Japanese letter when you squint and tilt your head the right way. So…you’ve been warned. This is either going to be a moment of genius precognition on my part….or a complete folly and a waste of everyone’s time, mine and yours. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I’m also going to be talking about some other theories that you’ll have to be familiar with in order to understand this particular idea. The Pole Shift Theory. The Two Calendars Theory. The Two Warring Dragon Clans Theory. You might have to do some homework to get an idea of what I’m even rambling on about, if you’re really curious. We’re going in DEEP with this one. This is your third and final warning. There is no turning back after this.
There’s been a lot of speculation that Reverse Mountain could be incredibly important to the endgame of One Piece. Not only is it the place where the Strawhats first entered the Grand Line, it’s also a place they NEED to return to, just so that Brook can reunite with Laboon. Reverse Mountain is also a part of the Red Line, which Luffy is prophecized to eventually destroy. A lot of people have also noticed that the entrance to Reverse Mountain is also shaped like a giant “X”. And as we all know, “X marks the spot”. And a lot of people think this means that the One Piece Treasure is actually below or around Reverse Mountain.
And I don’t think those people are necessarily WRONG. I’m not sure if it’ll be where Laugh Tale is located, but I do think it’ll end up being important to the end of the story. But, this theory about Reverse Mountain being where the One Piece is located has one big problem.
Because Reverse Mountain…isn’t actually an “X”, is it?
Reverse Mountain has 5 “points” as part of it’s “streams”. A “X” would have 4 “points”, not 5.
So, what IS Reverse Mountain? What is the “symbol” it’s supposed to represent?
Well, for this, I think we need to bring in another theory. Because, one important part of this is that we’re going to “Turn the world on it’s head”. That’s a potentially important line in the story, which…could very well be literal. Because there’s some proof that Oda will eventually shift the poles of the entire world and literally shift the world around, with the Equator becoming the Prime Meridian and vice versea.
More on that Pole Shift theory here from Grand Line Reviews:
If the World’s Pole is being shifted, it’s also possible that this could explain the symbolic purpose of the Grand Line and the Red Line. Switching which one is the Prime Meridian and which is the Equator may symbolically show who’s in charge of the World. The World Government versus the original inhabitants of the One Piece World (more on that later).
This could also tie into the two calendar systems of the One Piece World, the Age of Heaven and the Age of the Sea Circle. Changing the axial tilt and polarity of the entire planet may signal changes in the calendar system. An entirely new calendar system may have even been required, if the environment of the entire planet was altered due to this Pole Shift.
More detail on these two calendar systems and the possible conclusions we can draw from these calendars changing from Ohara:
So, if we DO take that as something that’s possible, what does that mean for Reverse Mountain?
Well, if we turn Reverse Mountain 90 degrees, it looks more like this:
Which, makes it look less like a “X” and more like a “Star”!
Now, this could also be relevant. Because there’s also a bunch of theories that Enel’s adventures on the Moon and outer space and aliens could ALSO become relevant in the future of the story.
And maybe it will.
But, what I want to point out is that when you tilt Reverse Mountain this way, it also sort of looks like a Kanji, or a Japanese letter.
And what made me think of this was actually…Power Rangers. Or more specifically, Super Sentai. Shinkenger to be exact (PR Samurai in the west). Because a gimmick of that season was using calligraphy as weapons against the monsters. And all the Rangers’ masks were actually Japanese kanji. And the Red Ranger’s mask actually looks a LOT like Reverse Mountain, in this 90 degree tilt.
That symbol is actually the symbol for “Hi” or “Fire”. Which would be an odd symbol to have on a mountain that’s full of water, right?
It also strikes me as being VERY similar to the Kanji used in Pokemon, when fire-type Pokemon use the move Fire Blast. The kanji in this case is actually “dai” for “large”. Because, in Japanese, this move is actually called “Daimonji”. Which is a reference to a festival where they light fires all around a mountain, in order to send off the spirits of the dead back to the spirit world.
A giant kanji on a large mountain. Sound familiar?
So, even though this kanji isn’t the same, we still have a link to fire and mountains. Which is still kind of weird for Reverse Mountain, which is a mountain covered in water. Not fire.
Or…is it?!
Because these aren’t the only kanji that look like this. There’s another set of kanji that are VERY similar, but slightly different.
Let us meet…Shinken Blue! The Blue Ranger from Shinkenger/PR Samurai!
Now, you’ll notice that the symbol on this helmet is VERY similar to the Red Ranger’s. But this is the kanji for “mizu” or “water”. And this symbol strikes me as being a lot more fitting for Reverse Mountain, since that mountain is all about the ocean and water currents, rather than the other one. It’s also a lot more symmetrical, making it “feel” a little more “natural” to me.
In other words, the only difference between “fire” and “water” in the Japanese language is one small line.
Which strikes me as somewhat poetic. It seems like there’s something interesting here. A…seed of a idea, perhaps.
And I feel like it’s something that Oda could have come up with back when he was a kid. I could just imagine him getting a “spelling” test back with corrections from the teacher. And getting a note from the teacher saying that he needs to learn the difference between “fire” and “water”. I feel like something like that might spark something in a future writer.
When you think about it, the Strawhats ARE going to have to add another “stream” to Reverse Mountain, just so they can make their way back to Laboon. If you look again at Reverse Mountain, there doesn’t seem to be any way to cross that Mountain again, from the other side of the Grand Lilne. Once they get to Laugh Tale…they kind of hit a dead end. There doesn’t seem to be a natural way to get from one side of Reverse Mountain to the other, while you’re inside the Grand Line. So, either the Strawhats will end up having to go UNDER the Mountain (which is possible)…OR…they’ll have to dig themselves their own channel in order to reach the other side.
The Strawhats might have to “add” another line to this symbol on Reverse Mountain. Turning it from “Fire” to “Water”.
This might be what ends up completing the prophecy about Luffy destroying the Red Line. Because adding another “Stream” to Reverse Mountain might destabilize the rest of the superstructure. Causing the Red Line to possibly break apart from making this channel.
This entire manga MIGHT just be about forming what is essentially this World’s Panama Canal. It would allow people to TRULY circumnavigate the globe for the first time ever.
Now there’s actually a few different Kanji that could come into play with this idea. And some “simplified” Kanji can actually mean many different things, depending on the context. Kanji “radicals” are the building blocks for all Kanji, and usually what get used to signify ideas like this quickly.
But, there’s over 2000 different Kanji. You’d have to be a complete loon with too much free time to actually go through each one, and figure out if there’s any extra meanings from these kanji that we can gleam.
….So, anyway, here’s a list of the different meanings of a few key kanji radicals, and those meanings that both help and hurt my theory.
My source for all this:
For: Fire, Manage (control?), Inflammation, Smoke, Ashes, Disaster, Boil, Ripen, Bake, Char, Illuminate, Cook, Broil, Parch, Charcoal, Lamp, Heat, Burn, Explode, Anxiety, Nothing (Mu), Ardent, Hearth,
Against: Bear, So,
For: Center, Heart, Strange, Pledge, Lose, Exort, Play Music, Large, Rob, Heaven, What, Husband, Stirred Up, Observance, Bustle,
Against: Thick,
For: Lunatic, Cramped, Seize, Offering, Prison, Hunt, Form, Aim At, Alone, Crime, Fierce, Game-hunting,
Against: Dog, Animal, Cat, Furthermore,
For: Plan, Prosperity, Cherry Tree, Fruit, Contraption, Outline, Persimmon, Status, Nucleus, Pleasure, Coffin, Chess Piece, Machine, Decay, Bridge, Poles, Beam, Examine, Rights, Construct, Root, Investigate, Plantation, Branch, Trees, Tender, Pine, Plant, Forest, Cedar, Chop, Dye, Plug, Mulberry, Vat, Bundle, Village, Pillar, Oak, East, Peach Tree, Ridgepole, Horse Chestnut, Pear Tree, Apricot, Signpost, Design, Rod, So-and-so, Tree, Crude, Book, Sheet of…, Pillow, End, Not Yet, Formal Title, Willow, Woods, Watchtower,
Against: Chair, Side, Rack, Square Character Style(?), Stocks, Desk, Abandon, Business, Wither, School, Close Up, Lumber, Fence, Tag, Scaffold, Vermillion, Clause, Hinge, Shelf, Counter for Cupfuls (?), Board, Imitation, Column, Frame,
For: Water, Lagoon, Sea, Ocean, Deluge, Lewdness, Bay, Eternity, Swim, Fluid, Run Alongside, Perform, Dirty, Warm, River, Whirlpool, Crush, Horizon, Active, Thirst, Slippery, Sweat, Steam, Request, Cry, Fishing, Condition, Mountain Stream, Violent, Decide, Undefiled, Origin, Decrease, Lake, Inlet, Harbor, Gutter, Mix, Sand, Settle, Govern, Nourishing, Damp, Soup, Astringent, Graceful, Standard, Wet, Marsh, Extinquish, Ford, Clean, Haven, Immersed, Deep, Rapids, Pure, Spring, Shallow, Wash, Submerge, Steadily, Fathom, Luxury, Waterfall, Swamp, Laundry, Voiced, Pond, Open Sea, Pour, Tide, Lucidity, Sink, Pickling, Mud, Drip, Drown, Transit, Hot Water, Den, Concentrated, Wave, Sect, Overnight, Vague, Spread Out, Pan-, Drift, Seacoast, Floating, Method, Bubbles, Drown, Full, Cartoon, Destroy, Oil, Boil, Melt, Fertility, Bathe, Excessive, Stream, Refreshing, Tears, Wandering, Leak, Gulf, Peaceful,
Against: China, Lacquer, Stagnate, Thin, Annexed, Ooze, Seethe,
So, a few things to highlight.
Our “fire” kanji, is also part of “Nothing” aka “Mu” as in Imu. So, that helps my case for this being Imu’s ownership mark.
The “center” or “large” Kanji, can also mean “Heaven”, as in the Celestial Dragons. Also, “Husband”, which is interesting given some theories about Imu being in love with Lili. Also, “Play Music”, which is interesting if Bink’s Sake plays a part in the finale.
Another similar Kanji can mean “aim at”, which is interesting if the Strawhats end up having to use a Ancient Weapon to dig their canal through Reverse Mountain.
The “Tree” kanji can basically be used for almost ALL trees. Which is interesting due to all the important trees in the story. “Cherry Tree” stands out due to Chopper and Drum Island. It can also mean “End”, which seems like a interesting possibility, if creating this symbol is part of the end of the story. “East” is also interesting, since Dragon is always looking east…could Dragon actually be waiting for Reverse Mountin to change in order to change the course of the world?
The “water” kanji can mean “lewdness”, which is interesting if only for the Strawhats being allied with the Okama. “Origin”, “Eternity”, “Soup”, and “Haven” are all words that stand out as potentially important. “Cartoon” is interesting, because of Luffy’s Gear 5.
Just in general, it seems like if you added a line to Reverse Mountain, you'd be changing the meaning from something "Divine" into something "Crude"...which would kind of fit a lot of the themes of One Piece pretty well, I think.
So, yeah, not perfect by any stretch. But, it does feel like there’s something here.
Plus, I just like the idea that in order to “reverse” the flooding of the world…you have to change “Reverse Mountain”. Or you have to set it right after Imu has changed it in order to control the world, in order to return the planet’s natural flow. Or something.
It’s also possible that all this has some connection to “fire water” aka Booze. AKA Bink’s Sake. Turning “fire” into “water”…I dunno, there’s something there, maybe.
But, we’re going to add another layer to this, because there’s another part of this we haven’t talked about yet.
Because, to me, this ALL becomes more interesting when you’re aware of another seemingly odd and random factoid.
Oda has actually been using two different “words” for different kinds of Dragons in the Japanese version of the Manga this entire time.
He’s been referring to “Western-style” Dragons using one Kanji. And “Eastern-sytle” Dragons using a different one.
More on that here from Dawn and Dusk:
And Western-style Dragons are more usually associated with fire. And Eastern-style Dragons are more associated with water.
Fire and Water. Again.
There’s a possibility that Imu’s “Yokai” form is actually that of a Western-style Fire-breathing Dragon. And we have some proof that Eastern-style Water-elemental Dragons are somewhat important to the larger story in other ways.
See my theory here, for more on that:
So, it’s possible that Reverse Mountain is actually some kind of “ownership seal”. Either literally or metaphorically. Imu is the current ruler of the world, with their symbol being “fire”. It’s possible that by changing this symbol on the planet into “water”, the Strawhats will be symbolically or literally “returning” ownership of the planet over to the Water Dragons. Possibly like a magical symbol that completely changes it’s meaning, just by adding a line.
It may also be the way to reverse the flooding of the World. I’m…not exactly sure how. But, it “feels” symbolically possible. Changing the elemental makup of this world by chaning a magical symbol on a large Mountain. It feels like something a high-fantasy story would do. Very Elantris, really. (The Brandon Sanderson fans out there know what I’m talking about. The rest of you…I’m sorry).
Or maybe I just overthought all this. That’s pretty possible, too. Most likely scenario, really.
But, if I’m right, it’d be pretty crazy, wouldn’t it?
Also, spoilers for later on in this bit of speculation. But this ENTIRE rambling mess is literally based on the idea that Reverse Mountain kinda-sorta looks like a Japanese letter when you squint and tilt your head the right way. So…you’ve been warned. This is either going to be a moment of genius precognition on my part….or a complete folly and a waste of everyone’s time, mine and yours. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I’m also going to be talking about some other theories that you’ll have to be familiar with in order to understand this particular idea. The Pole Shift Theory. The Two Calendars Theory. The Two Warring Dragon Clans Theory. You might have to do some homework to get an idea of what I’m even rambling on about, if you’re really curious. We’re going in DEEP with this one. This is your third and final warning. There is no turning back after this.
There’s been a lot of speculation that Reverse Mountain could be incredibly important to the endgame of One Piece. Not only is it the place where the Strawhats first entered the Grand Line, it’s also a place they NEED to return to, just so that Brook can reunite with Laboon. Reverse Mountain is also a part of the Red Line, which Luffy is prophecized to eventually destroy. A lot of people have also noticed that the entrance to Reverse Mountain is also shaped like a giant “X”. And as we all know, “X marks the spot”. And a lot of people think this means that the One Piece Treasure is actually below or around Reverse Mountain.
And I don’t think those people are necessarily WRONG. I’m not sure if it’ll be where Laugh Tale is located, but I do think it’ll end up being important to the end of the story. But, this theory about Reverse Mountain being where the One Piece is located has one big problem.
Because Reverse Mountain…isn’t actually an “X”, is it?
Reverse Mountain has 5 “points” as part of it’s “streams”. A “X” would have 4 “points”, not 5.
So, what IS Reverse Mountain? What is the “symbol” it’s supposed to represent?
Well, for this, I think we need to bring in another theory. Because, one important part of this is that we’re going to “Turn the world on it’s head”. That’s a potentially important line in the story, which…could very well be literal. Because there’s some proof that Oda will eventually shift the poles of the entire world and literally shift the world around, with the Equator becoming the Prime Meridian and vice versea.
More on that Pole Shift theory here from Grand Line Reviews:
If the World’s Pole is being shifted, it’s also possible that this could explain the symbolic purpose of the Grand Line and the Red Line. Switching which one is the Prime Meridian and which is the Equator may symbolically show who’s in charge of the World. The World Government versus the original inhabitants of the One Piece World (more on that later).
This could also tie into the two calendar systems of the One Piece World, the Age of Heaven and the Age of the Sea Circle. Changing the axial tilt and polarity of the entire planet may signal changes in the calendar system. An entirely new calendar system may have even been required, if the environment of the entire planet was altered due to this Pole Shift.
More detail on these two calendar systems and the possible conclusions we can draw from these calendars changing from Ohara:
So, if we DO take that as something that’s possible, what does that mean for Reverse Mountain?
Well, if we turn Reverse Mountain 90 degrees, it looks more like this:

Which, makes it look less like a “X” and more like a “Star”!
Now, this could also be relevant. Because there’s also a bunch of theories that Enel’s adventures on the Moon and outer space and aliens could ALSO become relevant in the future of the story.
And maybe it will.
But, what I want to point out is that when you tilt Reverse Mountain this way, it also sort of looks like a Kanji, or a Japanese letter.
And what made me think of this was actually…Power Rangers. Or more specifically, Super Sentai. Shinkenger to be exact (PR Samurai in the west). Because a gimmick of that season was using calligraphy as weapons against the monsters. And all the Rangers’ masks were actually Japanese kanji. And the Red Ranger’s mask actually looks a LOT like Reverse Mountain, in this 90 degree tilt.

That symbol is actually the symbol for “Hi” or “Fire”. Which would be an odd symbol to have on a mountain that’s full of water, right?
It also strikes me as being VERY similar to the Kanji used in Pokemon, when fire-type Pokemon use the move Fire Blast. The kanji in this case is actually “dai” for “large”. Because, in Japanese, this move is actually called “Daimonji”. Which is a reference to a festival where they light fires all around a mountain, in order to send off the spirits of the dead back to the spirit world.
A giant kanji on a large mountain. Sound familiar?
So, even though this kanji isn’t the same, we still have a link to fire and mountains. Which is still kind of weird for Reverse Mountain, which is a mountain covered in water. Not fire.
Or…is it?!
Because these aren’t the only kanji that look like this. There’s another set of kanji that are VERY similar, but slightly different.
Let us meet…Shinken Blue! The Blue Ranger from Shinkenger/PR Samurai!

Now, you’ll notice that the symbol on this helmet is VERY similar to the Red Ranger’s. But this is the kanji for “mizu” or “water”. And this symbol strikes me as being a lot more fitting for Reverse Mountain, since that mountain is all about the ocean and water currents, rather than the other one. It’s also a lot more symmetrical, making it “feel” a little more “natural” to me.
In other words, the only difference between “fire” and “water” in the Japanese language is one small line.
Which strikes me as somewhat poetic. It seems like there’s something interesting here. A…seed of a idea, perhaps.
And I feel like it’s something that Oda could have come up with back when he was a kid. I could just imagine him getting a “spelling” test back with corrections from the teacher. And getting a note from the teacher saying that he needs to learn the difference between “fire” and “water”. I feel like something like that might spark something in a future writer.
When you think about it, the Strawhats ARE going to have to add another “stream” to Reverse Mountain, just so they can make their way back to Laboon. If you look again at Reverse Mountain, there doesn’t seem to be any way to cross that Mountain again, from the other side of the Grand Lilne. Once they get to Laugh Tale…they kind of hit a dead end. There doesn’t seem to be a natural way to get from one side of Reverse Mountain to the other, while you’re inside the Grand Line. So, either the Strawhats will end up having to go UNDER the Mountain (which is possible)…OR…they’ll have to dig themselves their own channel in order to reach the other side.
The Strawhats might have to “add” another line to this symbol on Reverse Mountain. Turning it from “Fire” to “Water”.

This might be what ends up completing the prophecy about Luffy destroying the Red Line. Because adding another “Stream” to Reverse Mountain might destabilize the rest of the superstructure. Causing the Red Line to possibly break apart from making this channel.
This entire manga MIGHT just be about forming what is essentially this World’s Panama Canal. It would allow people to TRULY circumnavigate the globe for the first time ever.
Now there’s actually a few different Kanji that could come into play with this idea. And some “simplified” Kanji can actually mean many different things, depending on the context. Kanji “radicals” are the building blocks for all Kanji, and usually what get used to signify ideas like this quickly.
But, there’s over 2000 different Kanji. You’d have to be a complete loon with too much free time to actually go through each one, and figure out if there’s any extra meanings from these kanji that we can gleam.
….So, anyway, here’s a list of the different meanings of a few key kanji radicals, and those meanings that both help and hurt my theory.
My source for all this:

For: Fire, Manage (control?), Inflammation, Smoke, Ashes, Disaster, Boil, Ripen, Bake, Char, Illuminate, Cook, Broil, Parch, Charcoal, Lamp, Heat, Burn, Explode, Anxiety, Nothing (Mu), Ardent, Hearth,
Against: Bear, So,

For: Center, Heart, Strange, Pledge, Lose, Exort, Play Music, Large, Rob, Heaven, What, Husband, Stirred Up, Observance, Bustle,
Against: Thick,

For: Lunatic, Cramped, Seize, Offering, Prison, Hunt, Form, Aim At, Alone, Crime, Fierce, Game-hunting,
Against: Dog, Animal, Cat, Furthermore,

For: Plan, Prosperity, Cherry Tree, Fruit, Contraption, Outline, Persimmon, Status, Nucleus, Pleasure, Coffin, Chess Piece, Machine, Decay, Bridge, Poles, Beam, Examine, Rights, Construct, Root, Investigate, Plantation, Branch, Trees, Tender, Pine, Plant, Forest, Cedar, Chop, Dye, Plug, Mulberry, Vat, Bundle, Village, Pillar, Oak, East, Peach Tree, Ridgepole, Horse Chestnut, Pear Tree, Apricot, Signpost, Design, Rod, So-and-so, Tree, Crude, Book, Sheet of…, Pillow, End, Not Yet, Formal Title, Willow, Woods, Watchtower,
Against: Chair, Side, Rack, Square Character Style(?), Stocks, Desk, Abandon, Business, Wither, School, Close Up, Lumber, Fence, Tag, Scaffold, Vermillion, Clause, Hinge, Shelf, Counter for Cupfuls (?), Board, Imitation, Column, Frame,

For: Water, Lagoon, Sea, Ocean, Deluge, Lewdness, Bay, Eternity, Swim, Fluid, Run Alongside, Perform, Dirty, Warm, River, Whirlpool, Crush, Horizon, Active, Thirst, Slippery, Sweat, Steam, Request, Cry, Fishing, Condition, Mountain Stream, Violent, Decide, Undefiled, Origin, Decrease, Lake, Inlet, Harbor, Gutter, Mix, Sand, Settle, Govern, Nourishing, Damp, Soup, Astringent, Graceful, Standard, Wet, Marsh, Extinquish, Ford, Clean, Haven, Immersed, Deep, Rapids, Pure, Spring, Shallow, Wash, Submerge, Steadily, Fathom, Luxury, Waterfall, Swamp, Laundry, Voiced, Pond, Open Sea, Pour, Tide, Lucidity, Sink, Pickling, Mud, Drip, Drown, Transit, Hot Water, Den, Concentrated, Wave, Sect, Overnight, Vague, Spread Out, Pan-, Drift, Seacoast, Floating, Method, Bubbles, Drown, Full, Cartoon, Destroy, Oil, Boil, Melt, Fertility, Bathe, Excessive, Stream, Refreshing, Tears, Wandering, Leak, Gulf, Peaceful,
Against: China, Lacquer, Stagnate, Thin, Annexed, Ooze, Seethe,
So, a few things to highlight.
Our “fire” kanji, is also part of “Nothing” aka “Mu” as in Imu. So, that helps my case for this being Imu’s ownership mark.
The “center” or “large” Kanji, can also mean “Heaven”, as in the Celestial Dragons. Also, “Husband”, which is interesting given some theories about Imu being in love with Lili. Also, “Play Music”, which is interesting if Bink’s Sake plays a part in the finale.
Another similar Kanji can mean “aim at”, which is interesting if the Strawhats end up having to use a Ancient Weapon to dig their canal through Reverse Mountain.
The “Tree” kanji can basically be used for almost ALL trees. Which is interesting due to all the important trees in the story. “Cherry Tree” stands out due to Chopper and Drum Island. It can also mean “End”, which seems like a interesting possibility, if creating this symbol is part of the end of the story. “East” is also interesting, since Dragon is always looking east…could Dragon actually be waiting for Reverse Mountin to change in order to change the course of the world?
The “water” kanji can mean “lewdness”, which is interesting if only for the Strawhats being allied with the Okama. “Origin”, “Eternity”, “Soup”, and “Haven” are all words that stand out as potentially important. “Cartoon” is interesting, because of Luffy’s Gear 5.
Just in general, it seems like if you added a line to Reverse Mountain, you'd be changing the meaning from something "Divine" into something "Crude"...which would kind of fit a lot of the themes of One Piece pretty well, I think.
So, yeah, not perfect by any stretch. But, it does feel like there’s something here.
Plus, I just like the idea that in order to “reverse” the flooding of the world…you have to change “Reverse Mountain”. Or you have to set it right after Imu has changed it in order to control the world, in order to return the planet’s natural flow. Or something.
It’s also possible that all this has some connection to “fire water” aka Booze. AKA Bink’s Sake. Turning “fire” into “water”…I dunno, there’s something there, maybe.
But, we’re going to add another layer to this, because there’s another part of this we haven’t talked about yet.
Because, to me, this ALL becomes more interesting when you’re aware of another seemingly odd and random factoid.
Oda has actually been using two different “words” for different kinds of Dragons in the Japanese version of the Manga this entire time.
He’s been referring to “Western-style” Dragons using one Kanji. And “Eastern-sytle” Dragons using a different one.
More on that here from Dawn and Dusk:
And Western-style Dragons are more usually associated with fire. And Eastern-style Dragons are more associated with water.
Fire and Water. Again.
There’s a possibility that Imu’s “Yokai” form is actually that of a Western-style Fire-breathing Dragon. And we have some proof that Eastern-style Water-elemental Dragons are somewhat important to the larger story in other ways.
See my theory here, for more on that:
So, it’s possible that Reverse Mountain is actually some kind of “ownership seal”. Either literally or metaphorically. Imu is the current ruler of the world, with their symbol being “fire”. It’s possible that by changing this symbol on the planet into “water”, the Strawhats will be symbolically or literally “returning” ownership of the planet over to the Water Dragons. Possibly like a magical symbol that completely changes it’s meaning, just by adding a line.
It may also be the way to reverse the flooding of the World. I’m…not exactly sure how. But, it “feels” symbolically possible. Changing the elemental makup of this world by chaning a magical symbol on a large Mountain. It feels like something a high-fantasy story would do. Very Elantris, really. (The Brandon Sanderson fans out there know what I’m talking about. The rest of you…I’m sorry).
Or maybe I just overthought all this. That’s pretty possible, too. Most likely scenario, really.
But, if I’m right, it’d be pretty crazy, wouldn’t it?
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