Riboku’s Weakness

My take on this
Riboku’s weakness involves his initial tactic, he goes for something rash to seal the war from the get go
In Gyou he personally killed Makou
In Hango he set himself up as bait for Gigakou
Both suicidal missions with high reward

Basically, Riboku’s weakness is pretty much his distaste for warfare
If you properly intercept Riboku’s initial maneuver then he’s truly finished, which is why Ousen would think killing him in such manner is easy
But then again, nothing is more pathetic than an eloquent loser

I don’t know about you but I think Riboku is gonna get his ass handed to him early in the arc next war, and one or two of his subordinates falling to save his life, an eye for an eye. I’ll leave this here for the future @God Buggy @Owl Ki @Monet
If Ousen is banking on that then he's retarded
Riboku would understand doing the same thing three times in a row is dangerous and would do something else
i think it should be something else, like Shin or something.


Lazy is the way
List of possible weaknesses :

- hating warfare and wanting to end things quickly as the OP said
- depending on a powerhouse to win like Houken or SBS
- putting himself in danger to win
- being too close to his underlings like Kaine etc and putting himself in danger for them
- having a weak ass king and nobility that doesn’t back him up so he is all alone in his warfare (can’t have supply line from Katan etc etc)

Found this on Reddit :

Historical spoiler :

Li Mu's biggest weakness would be his fame and loyal vassals. No king fears greedy officials, but someone who has higher fame than the king himself, especially who has control over army and has trust from other military officers. The king would fear that he can overthrow the throne, and claim it himself. There are many precedents, and future during Chinese's history: Lord Xinling before, then Han Xin. And in case of mutiny, the most famous one is Chenqiao mutiny.

Found this on Reddit :

Historical spoiler :

Li Mu's biggest weakness would be his fame and loyal vassals. No king fears greedy officials, but someone who has higher fame than the king himself, especially who has control over army and has trust from other military officers. The king would fear that he can overthrow the throne, and claim it himself. There are many precedents, and future during Chinese's history: Lord Xinling before, then Han Xin. And in case of mutiny, the most famous one is Chenqiao mutiny.

what's the point of this ?!
this political stuff related to Zhao court 🙄 not the on battifield against ousen and it not spoilers .
we already know that Zhao’s Palace full of greedy officials who will prefer the downfall of their kingdom over rbk getting promotion or power and they are already plotting against him.

also many generals have great loyal soilders, and it be weakness

remember how rbk watched kanki vs Keisha but didn't interfere?!
he watched his one of his followers die and didn't move.

yep still he saved kain but that's different situation.
what's the point of this ?!
this political stuff related to Zhao court 🙄 not the on battifield against ousen and it not spoilers .
we already know that Zhao’s Palace full of greedy officials who will prefer the downfall of their kingdom over rbk getting promotion or power and they are already plotting against him.
Riboku's weakness doesn't have to be related to his abilities during battles, Kanki was able to secure a victory at Kokuyo Hills because he exploited Kisui's weakness, the fact that his loyalty to Rigan trumped his loyalty to Zhao. Ousen could spread a false rumour, not to mention people like Kakukai and Youka who are already conspiring against Riboku.
I don't disagree with you at all @Bepo but we're speaking about Riboku vs Ousen or other Qin generals ( General VS General ) then we're naturally waiting to see Riboku's specific weakness as a general

His politic enemies are Zhao court and Shouheikun. Ok. Both are naturally exploiting his politic weakness and limits

I always try to keep my expectations low at same time I'm an ambitious reader. Riboku is a versatility genius fighting against politic and military characters so...

...I'm waiting to see something special. Hara showing us his politic and military weakness

I don't disagree with you at all @Bepo but we're speaking about Riboku vs Ousen or other Qin generals ( General VS General ) then we're naturally waiting to see Riboku's specific weakness as a general

His politic enemies are Zhao court and Shouheikun. Ok. Both are naturally exploiting his politic weakness and limits

I always try to keep my expectations low at same time I'm an ambitious reader. Riboku is a versatility genius fighting against politic and military characters so...

...I'm waiting to see something special. Hara showing us his politic and military weakness

rbk is really good at politics.
but his problem is how humble he is.
any ambitious guy would have replaced the whole palace officials.
I don't get why people think Riboku wants to end battles as quickly as possible. In fact, I would argue he is one of the most patient generals.

-In Coalition War he had a long-term plan to sneak troops over span of several days while the Battle of Kankoku Pass was ongoing.

-In Siege of Sai he wen't for a slow strategy where he would tire out the defenders with constant assaults day and night to break them after days of fighting.

-During the Gyou Invasion he also had a long-term approach to wait until the enemy runs out of suplies and defeat them when they are too hungry to fight.

-Against Kanki's cross formation instead of ordering full assault he just slowly worked his way through the arms of the formation until nightfall.

Riboku does puts his life at risk on some ocasions to catch a prize, but I don't think that this would be Ousen's go-to answer just from the Battle at Shukai Plains. Regarding what the weakness could be, we already got some hints from Ousen.

What I'd like is for it to be related to martial might and how Riboku has never participated in a proper dueling scenario, despite having taken to the frontlines on few occasions. Which could then lead Ousen to draw up a scenario about forcing Riboku into a duel with Ouhon/Shin/whoever. Which would then lead to the below hopefully.

However, I think this might be bit too basic? idk. After the Kanki weakness shit tho, I'm not exactly tripping or harboring over it. That turned out to be a flop on Riboku's part, and this will probably turn out to be a flop on Ousen's part.

If it's related to the Zhao court... I mean... entirety of China knows about that at this point.

Both suicidal missions with high reward
I don't think any of them were suicidal missions.

With the Akou one, he had enough forces to safely retreat and then achieve his bigger goal of baiting Shin. The dude was never close to any danger.

With Makou, same thing, he knew he could escape perfectly fine and he did just that.