Theory Robin's death and Pudding joining to the crew


It all started from this cp-

Robin is touching a skull, and I think Oda could do the same thing he did with Ace. The fact that she could die soon. I hope it doesn't happen beacuse I REALLY like so much Nico Robin, but from the end of this saga she's more and more in danger because she will be search by the WG
Why that? The power up of Luffy in the same cp is the demostration that this cp is obviously telling us something about what will happen in the future. I believe that Zoro' s eye and Sanji t-shirt means something, but it's not today thread...

You say who could read the poignee grif other than she?
The answer is one: Pudding

Big mom hinted many times that she needed Pudding to awaken his third eye, and even with a dialogue with Kaido is said (I don't remember the chapter) that if she awokened it she could read them

She fits also the strawhat patterns, and she could really join the crew in my opinion

1- She is from a non-human race (three eyes tribe)
2- she could be archeologist as Robin, but who knows... also a spy because her capacity to change memories and influence people
3- She fits the letter pattern OP
4- She has a character that could fit well with the other strawhats beacuse of her bipolar disorder

Her color would be Red-Orange

Yellow- usopp
Yellow green- Carrot
Green- Zoro
Blue- Green - Franky
Blue- Sanji
Blue Violet-Yamato
Violet - Robin (ec)
Red-Violet (chopper)
Red- Luffy
Red- Orange: Pudding
Orange- Nami
Yellow-Orange- Jimbei
White and black - Brook

Anyway, there is also the possibility her to join without Robin's dying and maybe she could have some other roles in the crew, it's also a realistic option.
But IMO she would fit perfectly and maybe after Wano, with BM pirates collapse after Big mom defeat, she could go joining Luffy crew...
I def understand the idea but what would all this talk about finally being amongs friends that can protect her just to end up dead anyway, like everything from enies lobby for what? And if Pudding replaces her will she be strong enough to take down one of the black beard pirates? I think a better scenario is Blackbeard kidnapping Pudding so she can read the poneglyphs for him and then sh’s rescue her, could be another moment for Sanji. At least we know how important Pudding’s ability is and we know Wci’s defenses are low atp.
Robin is a SH so chances that she dies is next to nil imo. Not to mention it’d be a massive failure on the SHs part to let her get killed given their experiences till now. The whole point of their time skip training was to prevent a scenario like this from happening. Plus, what would Robin dying achieve? Oda killed of Ace to teach Luffy just how weak he was in comparison to the top dogs in the verse & Luffy’s grown by leaps & bounds as a result, and is on the verge of beating the strongest character in the verse. So the argument of Robin’s death potentially being a stimulant of growth for the the SHs is a very weak one. Needless to say Robin, dying just so Pudding can join the SHs doesn’t make a whole lot of sense either.

All that said, pudding’s so called awakening is important & will prolly be relevant at some point & it’s also a reality that almost errone & their grand mum is gunning for Robin atm. So it’s quite possible that she gets captured at some point. For instance just like Kaido & Linlin need Robin, Teach will also need her so it’s quite possible that he comes to Wano to steal Robin after both sides in the war have weakened them selves. In which case, that could open up an opportunity for Pudding to temporarily accompany the SHs ^^