Speculations Roger and Whitebeard - Shanks and Blackbeard - Luffy and ___beard

Roger and whitebeard the 2 biggest names to come out of the old gen

Shanks and blackbeard the 2 biggest names to come out of the mid gen

Luffy and kid the 2 biggest names to come out of the new gen

What if later on kid is known as or just grows out a red beard

So far luffy doesn't have a rival that became a pirate during his gen that goes by anything beard. Theres pink and brownbeard but they're obviously nobodies in the world of one piece and never will be
Kid is his closest supernova rival and will likely stick around even after all the current yonko fall. Plus in alot of media specificaly cartoons and stuff pirates a gingers
BB is part of Luffy's gen
Hes a part of the worst gen but hes ben a pirate ever since he was a child just like shanks, marco, kata ect and is around their age too

He became a solo pirate during luffys gen but his pirate career as a whole is a lot longer than that. Like if katakuri made his own crew hed be apart of the new gen but at the same time not really
Blackbeard is one of Luffy Gen .

So Monkey D Luffy and Marshall D Teach are the biggests names of worstgen
Man i was so excited when the new generation was revealed and Kidd was supposedly Luffy's rival.

That would also mean Killer was Zoro's rival but nope not the case.
Would be nice to see someone else want to become WSS

Now we are here witnessing failure upon failures. SHs excluded.

Blackbeard will do just fine besides i like him more than kidd.
Man i was so excited when the new generation was revealed and Kidd was supposedly Luffy's rival.

That would also mean Killer was Zoro's rival but nope not the case.
Would be nice to see someone else want to become WSS

Now we are here witnessing failure upon failures. SHs excluded.

Blackbeard will do just fine besides i like him more than kidd.
Roger's Rival is Xebec
Luffy's Rival is Teach

D vs D
Man i was so excited when the new generation was revealed and Kidd was supposedly Luffy's rival.

That would also mean Killer was Zoro's rival but nope not the case.
Would be nice to see someone else want to become WSS

Now we are here witnessing failure upon failures. SHs excluded.

Blackbeard will do just fine besides i like him more than kidd.
At this point Kid seems too overwhelmed, only Blackbeard remains, it's a shame
Teach is from shanks's generation and is more like luffys xebec
After teach is taken down hes its not like hes gonna still be a yonko or just some on good terms rival to luffy. Just like the rest of the yonko they're all gonna go down to make room for new characters. That includes shanks, linlin and kaido

Kid is still going to be relevant and growing way after all of them are defeated and is clearly made to be luffys rival more than any other supernova
Teach is from shanks's generation and is more like luffys xebec
After teach is taken down hes its not like hes gonna still be a yonko or just some on good terms rival to luffy. Just like the rest of the yonko they're all gonna go down to make room for new characters. That includes shanks, linlin and kaido

Kid is still going to be relevant and growing way after all of them are defeated and is clearly made to be luffys rival more than any other supernova
How can Kid possibly be relevant if Luffy is already much more powerful than him individually and his crew is much stronger than his crew ?
Serious question.
Teach is from shanks's generation and is more like luffys xebec
No, Kaido and Big Mom are his Xebec. This was made apparent in Xebec's first introduction and Kaido and Big Mom forming an alliance.

After teach is taken down hes its not like hes gonna still be a yonko or just some on good terms rival to luffy.
Teach will still be seen as the second strongest pirate. How can friendly rivalry be your argument when you think Blackbeard is actually Shanks's Whitebeard?

Kid is still going to be relevant and growing way after all of them are defeated and is clearly made to be luffys rival more than any other supernova
Kid was an afterthought and was constantly shown to be Luffy's inferior. Blackbeard was planned from the get-go and was WAY ahead of Luffy upon his debut.
How can Kid possibly be relevant if Luffy is already much more powerful than him individually and his crew is much stronger than his crew ?
Serious question.
Just time tbh
Like asking how will koby ever rival luffy in anyway when at any point in the story likely even now tbh hed be one shot. They just need more time to grow and develop than luffy
No, Kaido and Big Mom are his Xebec. This was made apparent in Xebec's first introduction and Kaido and Big Mom forming an alliance.
Teach's ship is named after xebec, is a d, and will be considered one of luffy's biggest rivals like xebec was to roger
Teach will still be seen as the second strongest pirate. How can friendly rivalry be your argument when you think Blackbeard is actually Shanks's Whitebeard?
My point is he isn't going to last after hes taken down. Both shanks and teach are nade to fall before luffy, kid, and the rest of their generation really solidifying the next era as theirs to rule
Kid was an afterthought and was constantly shown to be Luffy's inferior. Blackbeard was planned from the get-go and was WAY ahead of Luffy upon his debut.
Kid still gonna be relevant eos and after
Teach likely isn't
Luffy and Teach are the big names of the Generation.

Kid wont solidify anything, he will simple be one more of the losers in the ladder for the top spot. The guy is not even close to what Luffy and Teach had achieved
Teach's ship is named after xebec, is a d, and will be considered one of luffy's biggest rivals like xebec was to roger
Teach is based off of the same pirate as Edward. Both their epithets are literal opposites. Both have ties to Xebec. They flat out state Blackbeard's slowly becoming the new Whitebeard. He may have Xebec's flavoring, but you can't deny him and Whitebeard being yin and yang.

My point is he isn't going to last after hes taken down. Both shanks and teach are nade to fall before luffy, kid, and the rest of their generation really solidifying the next era as theirs to rule
Blackbeard is part of the next era.

Kid still gonna be relevant eos and after
Teach likely isn't
Teach will be seen as Luffy's silver medalist whereas Kid will, at best, be seen as a big name like Shiki.