Future Events Ryokugyu and Fujitora Are Conqueror’s Haki Users

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hello everyone,

Non-troll post today so that’s nice. Today I’m here to explain why I do believe Fujitora and Ryokugyu have conqueror’s Haki. Nice and short introduction! Ryokugyu is probably going to be the harder one to prove so let’s do him first!

Ryokugyu the Conqueror

So first I want to address a claim I occasionally see online about the Admirals:

“The Admirals are subordinates, they won’t have a Haki intended for Kings”

Now, ignoring the many instances we’ve seen of Pirate subordinates having Conqueror’s Haki, Ryokugyu and Fujitora are hardly known for having a subordinate-like demeanor, in fact it’s quite the opposite: both Ryokugyu and Fujitora are defined by their complete unwillingness to follow any sort of rule or order imposed upon them as Admirals. We’ll discuss Fujitora later, for now Ryokugyu:

The first thing to note about Ryokugyu is that he only just became a Marine recently, he seems to have been a completely independent force prior to the recent events of the story. He does not seem to have any other ties to any other organizations and does not appear to have been subordinate to any other group before joining the Marines. He appears to have been a completely independent, seemingly completely uncontrollable force prior to him seeking out the Navy.

So how is Ryokugyu an uncontrollable figure? Simple, he has literally disobeyed every single order and directive given to him since the manga started. He was first directly ordered by Sakazuki to kick Fujitora out of Reverie, an order he completely ignored:

He was then told specifically not to cause the Marines trouble in Wano, and how did he respond?

He also seems to be similar to Fujitora in that he has his own goals and ambitions and didn’t just join the Navy to serve Sakazuki:

So sure, Sakazuki is Ryokugyu’s boss but Ryokugyu has been a completely uncontrollable wild-card with his own aims ever since he entered the story.

Compare this to other CoC users like Katakuri who was completely submissive to Big Mom, or Ace who specifically said that his goal was to make Whitebeard the Pirate King, and it becomes clear that Ryokugyu’s “subordinate energy” is not quite as thick as some have made him out to be.

In terms of feats, this moment here:

Is quite impressive considering that Kaido was KO’ing Luffy left and right with AdCoC and Luffy is of course a CoC user.

So sure, Shanks did (seemingly) override Ryokugyu’s Devil Fruit and completely lock him in place, but we all knew Shanks was going to be the strongest living CoC user and potentially the strongest CoC user of all time. The fact that Ryokugyu not only remained conscious against Shanks but also didn’t fall to his knees or foam at the mouth is, in the grand scheme of things, quite impressive and could indicate that Ryokugyu is a Conqueror’s Haki user himself.

So in summation:
-Ryokugyu is a completely uncontrollable character, never following orders or behaving as a typical subordinate does
-Has some of the best feats vs Conqueror’s Haki users that we have seen

I think Ryokugyu’s chances of having CoC, are roughly 75% at the moment.

Fujitora the Conqueror

Fujitora is arguably even less controllable as a subordinate than Ryokugyu is, and Ryokugyu is already a completely uncontrollable figure. Fujitora is smarter than Ryokugyu in that he recognizes the value of following his orders when necessary to accomplish his larger goals, but Fujitora is still arguably the most rogue Marine we’ve ever seen.

So I don’t have much to discuss on Fujitora really other than the fact that he is completely uncontrollable as a subordinate just like Ryokugyu is. He also masterminded the fucking Reverie itself to abolish the Shichibukai, tell me the man doesn’t have a Kingly disposition when he literally manipulated a room full of the world’s kings to his will. Lol

So that’s really all I have to say for today, the notion that Ryokugyu and Fujitora “are subordinates and therefore don’t have CoC” is just really dumb when not only are these guys one of the three (four) leaders of a military consisting of millions of people, but they are also completely uncontrollable with their superiors having no real ability to command or order them around.

That is all :)

@SakazOuki @ZenZu @Blackbeard @ConquistadoR @Light D Lamperouge @HA001 OF THE RAIN @ShishioIsBack @MarineHQ @comrade @Veku @The White Crane @silverfire @scoobie3 @ThatMojaveCourier06 @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @Seth etc etc etc


The Sol King
I applaud the effort, but I don't like the idea of Ryokugyu having CoC, he doesn't seem to have the air of a possible CoC user, who are usually fearless even in the face of overwhelming odds( like Luffy vs 3 admirals at MF, Kid against Kaido), I simply don't see him being a CoC user with his portrayal.
I think Akainu, Fujitora and Aokiji are most likely to have CoC(in that order)
Kizaru and Ryokugyu don't seem fit for CoC, Kizaru doesn't seem to have that much ambition and does whatever he wants at that moment.
Besides, I like that there are top tiers with no CoC, that is the way it should be. Mastering DF awakening + 2 advanced haki forms is more than enough to stomp 99.9% of the OP verse.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
he doesn't seem to have the air of a possible CoC user, who are usually fearless even in the face of overwhelming odds( like Luffy vs 3 admirals at MF, Kid against Kaido)
You mean like this?

We’ve also seen several instances of CoC users running away from fights before. Whitebeard was too scared to fight Kaido, Roger was too scared to fight Big Mom, Blackbeard is scared of every other character, etc.

Ryokugyu is literally afraid of no one. Lol


You mean like this?

We’ve also seen several instances of CoC users running away from fights before. Whitebeard was too scared to fight Kaido, Roger was too scared to fight Big Mom, Blackbeard is scared of every other character, etc.

Ryokugyu is literally afraid of no one. Lol
he is very brave when going after wounded combatants but when the RH pirates pulled up he shat his pants
I mean it would be cool if they were. Zoro is a CoC user and Sanji highly likely is. So them having CoC opponents would be nice. Itd be lame if Luffy is the only one who has CoC opponents

I feel like CoC should just be a neccesity for anyone with Top Tier potential. Cause like how the hell do fodders like Kata and Doffy be born with CoC and not the Admirals who can neg them.


The Sol King
You mean like this?

We’ve also seen several instances of CoC users running away from fights before. Whitebeard was too scared to fight Kaido, Roger was too scared to fight Big Mom, Blackbeard is scared of every other character, etc.

Ryokugyu is literally afraid of no one. Lol
The point is less running away from fights, rather how they withdraw . No CoC user would freeze and throw his hands like Ryokugyu did when he encountered Shanks. Someone like Akainu ordered the rest of the Admirals to ignore Shanks and his crew, went after Luffy and tried to kill him at MF despite Shanks' warning, even though Akainu was running a gauntlet that day, he didn't give a shit and risked a fight with RHP to reach his goals, he was ready to throw hands, not throw his hands up.

Also, Roger stealing from Big Mom isn't being too scared to fight her, technically Luffy did steal from Big Mom too with only a brief clash that doesn't count for a fight, doesn't mean Luffy was afraid of her. Also Roger already defeated Big Mom, alongside 3 other top tiers in a 4v2.

WB was stronger than Kaido, and there was some other bs reason WB didn't fight Kaido (probably BS becuase oda can't write and had to insert Oden everywhere), but he is in canon not scared of anyone and didn't run away from fights :

Ryokugyu walking into Wano to fight the alliance is a nice portrayal for his power, not his CoC. He did run away when fresh fighters showed up.
You should focus on propping up Akainu(PK Level) rather than normal admiral level Ryokugyu(Akainu's fanboy) :akaman: