Powers & Abilities Saint Topman Warcury - Character Analysis

I'm going to use the Wuxing, or Five Elements Theory, as the basis for this analysis, since that's the theory it's mainly based on.
  • Saint Topman Warcury

His element is water, it's even hinted at in his Japanese name, since the ''wō'' of ''Wōkyurī'' probably comes from ''wōtā'', but unlike his brothers, he hasn't performed any feats that actually resemble his element.

The animal that represents him is the pig/boar, which Oda used to design him based on Fengxi, a boar from Chinese mythology.

The body part that represents him is the bones, the covering that represents him is the exoskeleton, the plant that represents him is the bean leaf, and the fruit that represents him is the chestnut.

All of these things have one thing in common: durability.

But his durability feels different from Kaido's.
Kaido's durability is a combination of his own natural durability + DF, which gives him very good resistance.
Meanwhile, Topman's durability, in my theory, comes from his bones, which are a very complex structure that kind of shells his whole body.

Practically speaking, if you try to hit Kaido with all your strength, you'll probably hurt your hand, nothing really bad, but if you do the same thing to Topman, you'll probably break all the bones in your hand.
Of course, he's tougher than Kaido, but I think that once his armor is broken, his durability drops to a very fragile level.

Emeth kind of showed us that:

His attacks were also hinted at in Wuxing when he was represented by the Guttural Tone, which is the deepest tone, similar to his CoC Roar:

He also has some sort of shikotsumyaku in his tusks, which is pretty cool.

It's very unlikely that he'll do any water-based feats, aside from all the influence his character has around the water element, but I look forward to seeing more of his shikotsumyaku feats, and hopefully a better explanation for his insane durability.