Versus Battle Sargeras vs One piece world


Sargeras is trying to enter the OP world. To do so he’s sending a few of his top lieutenants and their armies to gather enough magical energy to open a portal for him.
1-The first wave consists of mannoroth and his demonic army.

2- Consists of Archimonde and ki’ljaeden being summoned plus demonic army

Can the OP world banding together stop them before they manage to bring sargeras into their world?

Bonus round: The avatar of sargeras joins the fray

Bonus round 2: Sargeras is summoned

@Shuyaku @Admiral Lee Hung @Light D Lamperouge @Seth @Dragomir @Kaido D. Stronger @GeneralP123 @Seraphoenix @Zara @Nibel @Zoro D Goat @Marimo_420 @yj @Calypso @Nidai_Kitetsu @ShishioIsBack @MarineHQ62 @Jew D. Boy
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what are the behemoths capable of
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Demons in warcraft are semi-immortal, ie if you destroy their physical form, they go back to their version of hell to reform and come back, though depending on the power of the demon it takes from days to weeks to months.
Mannoroth id say is a city level demon,
Attack Potency: City level

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: At least Class 10 via sheer size.

Striking Strength: City Class
Durability: At least City level

The other two after are atleast 2-3 times stronger.
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I will never forgive Oda
Mannoroth corrupts large groups with his blood and sets the world against itself. Archimonde uses his spells to destroy every large city on the planet. Endless waves of demons crash like meteors from the sky. Dreadlords impersonate high ranking marines and pirates and sow chaos.

Any powerful devil fruit is being eaten by the burning legion elites. Anyone who longs for power will be corrupted like Illidan was.

I can’t see them fighting off a full invasion even if their stats are nuts, because the Legion is vast and with so many opportunities to strike at the world.