Versus Battle [SCENARIO] The Night King v. The Witch King of Angmar

Which King wins the Wall?

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I will never forgive Oda
This is not a straight up VS battle!

The Witch King of Angmar is inexplicably voted Lord Commander in season 5/A Feast for Crows (Or was that Dance?). He is charged with defending the Wall from the armies of the Dead that amass outside the wall. As a capable general, sorcerer and King himself, he’s got plenty of leadership experience.

The Witch King has the following forces at the Wall and a steady supply of food and water from the North.​

  • 1,500 Men of the Night’s watch.
  • 10,000 Wildlings of the numerous clans
  • 1,000 Thenn’s
  • 2,000 knights of the Reach led by Garlan Tyrell
  • 2,500 Northern vassals led by Lord Manderly
  • 25 giants
  • 25 mammoths
  • 1 fell Beast.

They must occupy and defend all of these castles:

The Night King has an army of 100k undead thralls, including many dead giants, wild animals and 10 lesser Others/White Walkers. No dragons.

Win Conditions:

—The Witch King needs to protect the Wall throughout a 5 year Winter starting the day he assumes leadership or find a way to kill the Night King.

—The Night King needs to somehow get passed the wall in large enough numbers to completely render the Night’s Watch redundant

The inherent magic in the Wall that keeps the dead out will weaken significantly each year allowing for more corpses and White Walkers to bypass it. Year 5 the magic completely fades.

Who wins? @Owl Ki @Blackbeard @RayanOO @Admiral Lee Hung @Natalija @Zara @anyone else

My Thoughts:
I think the Witch King can win depending on how he confronts the Night King. I think any early attempts to route him will bite the Witch King in the ass—he needs every man he can get for the final year of Winter. Whereas I think the Night King just needs to apply steady pressure and then send giant assaults the last year until he breaks a defense in the wall.

I think I ultimately favor the Night King thanks to the Witch King’s numerical disadvantage.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Okay so does Witch King have his commanders to help him?
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Ah he doesnt. He loses
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If Witch King had his Commanders Rogash, Hwaldar, Morgomir and Karsh he would stand a chance

If he had his commanders and Angmar army instead of northern army he would most def win.

Like this he loses. NK just has too much on him to lose while Witch King cant replenish his forces and use his commanders to defend certain parts of the wall
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