Updated Rainbow
Ryu Kishi - Already mentioned with Ryu is Wolf. He's brought no Wolf hunting to the game, has been happy to vote wherever, and has been quick to dodge pressure and answering any questions. He also defended Tobi and TAC, and only voted Beta until after he was done fore.
Ekkologix - If there is a fifth Wolf, there's potential that it is Ekko. I don't think there's been a ton there content-wise and the POE is thinning out.
SanjiIsStrongerThanZolo - Both Sanji and anon are kind of in the bottom of the POE. I don't think either of them has shown anything great, but they both get newbie Town vibes here.
anon - I believe that anon is a bit more townie because if I remember correctly their votes were pretty consistent with getting scum lynched.
Cray Cray - If Tris really is Light, then Indie makes sense here. I've honestly been reading them Town, but if they're Indie, Wolf hunting comes naturally. However, I also think I might know what they've been hinting at for an ability, which would definitely make them Town.
Light D Scumperouge - I believe Light's claim as the Vig and the wolves have countermeasures against him. Nothing has really pinged me too hard about him, so if he flips Town, I will be happy about this read.
Marimo_420 - Has voted out every scum I think and has rarely posted outside voting those players. I'd be pretty surprised if he we Wolf.
Dr_Professor83 - I think his play has been good and there was also the fact that Fuji hard defended him and we know Fuji was some sort of invest.