Seika Army

Not enough credit is given to the Seika army, the level of resiliance they had was unseen before, not by the Ouki Akou or Moubu armies
Withstanding Kanjou's 20k flank attack is one of the wildest feats we had in the series
The strength of Seika with SBS at their head was the most important deciding factor in the battle, it's what allowed such plan to work

@Lee Ba Shou @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @FutureWarrior123 @SakazOuki @God Buggy @Dark Admiral @Bullet @MarineHQ @Bepo @TheKnightOfTheSea @RayanOO @Cichy

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Alright hear me out.

Shibashou’s defining trait may not be his outright martial strength and skill like Houken or Moubu, he may be an endurance tank/resiliency based fighter. Kind of like the Kaido of Kingdom. He’s a good fighter but his defining attribute is his resiliency.

This is why Hara hasn’t drawn Shibashou slaying a dozen men with one swing of his Glaive, which guys like Ouki/Renpa/Bananji/Gyou’Un have done. Instead Hara draws him even getting pressed by like half a dozen guys and taking injury but still continuing to fight on. Hara may be attempting to write a “tank” archetype. Great at enduring damage because his body is so huge, and perhaps Shibashou 1v1 will still be amazing, but his ability to deal with a large number of troops all coming at him at once is lacking compared to the other martial units we’ve seen.

I would be okay with this, it would make him more unique as a fighter. And the resiliency of the Seika army ignoring a pincer while charging could hint that this is what these guys are going to truly be great at.
Alright hear me out.

Shibashou’s defining trait may not be his outright martial strength and skill like Houken or Moubu, he may be an endurance tank/resiliency based fighter. Kind of like the Kaido of Kingdom. He’s a good fighter but his defining attribute is his resiliency.

This is why Hara hasn’t drawn Shibashou slaying a dozen men with one swing of his Glaive, which guys like Ouki/Renpa/Bananji/Gyou’Un have done. Instead Hara draws him even getting pressed by like half a dozen guys and taking injury but still continuing to fight on. Hara may be attempting to write a “tank” archetype. Great an enduring damage because his body is so huge, and perhaps Shibashou 1v1 will still be amazing, but his ability to deal with a large number of troops all coming at him at once is lacking compared to the other martial units we’ve seen.

I would be okay with this, it would make him more unique as a fighter. And the resiliency of the Seika army ignoring a pincer while charging could hint that this is what these guys are going to truly be great at.
The fire of Seika, running on the respect and loyalty of his people
It's a good story

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
The fire of Seika, running on the respect and loyalty of his people
It's a good story
For real though what do you think?

Not to read too much into this scene but here he gets pressed by like 4 soldiers and even gets wounded in that center panel. Compare that to this:

Where Ouki legit kills like 12 dudes in one swing lol.

I guess this could just be a testament to Ousen’s elites but legit Shibashou may be more of a resilience tank / 1v1 fighter than an offensive powerhouse like we’ve seen from other generals.

And like you said this shows the heart of Seika, less experienced at war compared to the more traditional 3GH armies like Renpa and Rinshoujou, but with huge heart. Lol
Where Ouki legit kills like 12 dudes in one swing lol.

Legit Shibashou may be more of a resilience tank / 1v1 fighter than an offensive powerhouse like we’ve seen from other generals.

And like you said this shows the heart of Seika, less experienced at war compared to the more traditional 3GH armies like Renpa and Rinshoujou, but with huge heart. Lol
I'm 100% with you
Don't also forget that Ouki was fighting a relatively weak general like Chousa
Shibashou was charging into the Ousen army. At first we discarded it as Hara offscreening the battle, but the reality may be different
The Ousen main army was evenly matched with Riboku's army, and at one point were winning the exchange
Even Akou is capable of a tactic so complex that it stopped the combined armies of Gyou'Un, Garyuu and Bananji
Truth is the Seika army is strong enough to tackle the hardiest of formations from an army as disciplined as the Ousen army
The flank was just the cherry on top

Ousen's army also showed great resiliance and sacrifice, that's why they were capable of reaching Shibashou and inflicting wounds on him. Shibashou at Bayou would've had the same panels as Ouki

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
I'm 100% with you
Don't also forget that Ouki was fighting a relatively weak general like Chousa
Shibashou was charging into the Ousen army. At first we discarded it as Hara offscreening the battle, but the reality may be different
The Ousen main army was evenly matched with Riboku's army, and at one point were winning the exchange
Even Akou is capable of a tactic so complex that it stopped the combined armies of Gyou'Un, Garyuu and Bananji
Truth is the Seika army is strong enough to tackle the hardiest of formations from an army as disciplined as the Ousen army
The flank was just the cherry on top

Ousen's army also showed great resiliance and sacrifice, that's why they were capable of reaching Shibashou and inflicting wounds on him. Shibashou at Bayou would've had the same panels as Ouki
Yeah true, Ousen’s elites were badass and very strong. So it may just be that Shibashou was charging into an elite army. In fact that’s probably what it is lol.

But I do like the idea of Hara making him that resilience tank/1v1 fighter like I mentioned because it really does make him more unique. We haven’t had any other fighters like that in Kingdom. He’s such a huge unit that smaller wounds like that mean even less to him, and he’s wearing some heavy ass armor so it’s harder for weapons to reach him through it.

I love how all the old era generals like Renpa/Ouki are more traditional and all the new era generals like Ousen and Kanki are less traditional and more specialized. Excellent writing from Hara imo, and Shibashou being a resilience tank definitely makes him less traditional lol.
Yeah true, Ousen’s elites were badass and very strong. So it may just be that Shibashou was charging into an elite army. In fact that’s probably what it is lol.

But I do like the idea of Hara making him that resilience tank/1v1 fighter like I mentioned because it really does make him more unique. We haven’t had any other fighters like that in Kingdom. He’s such a huge unit that smaller wounds like that mean even less to him, and he’s wearing some heavy ass armor so it’s harder for weapons to reach him through it.

I love how all the old era generals like Renpa/Ouki are more traditional and all the new era generals like Ousen and Kanki are less traditional and more specialized. Excellent writing from Hara imo, and Shibashou being a resilience tank definitely makes him less traditional lol.
Speaking of Seika I have to give my credits to Kansaro, he's one of the most solid rhm to have and is of the caliber of Akou when it came to the strength and spirit he gave to the Ousen army, to the point where I think he'd make a good ruler of Seika if something happens to Shibashou
For real though what do you think?

Not to read too much into this scene but here he gets pressed by like 4 soldiers and even gets wounded in that center panel. Compare that to this:

Where Ouki legit kills like 12 dudes in one swing lol.

I guess this could just be a testament to Ousen’s elites but legit Shibashou may be more of a resilience tank / 1v1 fighter than an offensive powerhouse like we’ve seen from other generals.

And like you said this shows the heart of Seika, less experienced at war compared to the more traditional 3GH armies like Renpa and Rinshoujou, but with huge heart. Lol
It could also be as a result of their different mentalities. Shibashou doesn't like fighting and has only taken up arms because he feels that he must. In comparison, the likes of Ouki utterly relish combat and conquest.

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
It could also be as a result of their different mentalities. Shibashou doesn't like fighting and has only taken up arms because he feels that he must. In comparison, the likes of Ouki utterly relish combat and conquest.
Yeah I think that’s what differentiates him from other martial lads. Shibashou is a pacifist, born rivaling or exceeding guys like Kanmei in size and martial potential, but also believes that humans are too cowardly to settle their differences with words. Shibashou basically views warfare as a form of cowardice. Very unique view for an 8 foot tall mongoloid Three Great Heaven. He really does remind me of Riboku who also dislikes warfare.

Zhao is goated. This manga won’t be the same without Zhao. Everyone else can’t wait to be finished with Zhao, I meanwhile love them. Easily my favorite state in the manga lol.


Lazy is the way
Yeah I think that’s what differentiates him from other martial lads. Shibashou is a pacifist, born rivaling or exceeding guys like Kanmei in size and martial potential, but also believes that humans are too cowardly to settle their differences with words. Shibashou basically views warfare as a form of cowardice. Very unique view for an 8 foot tall mongoloid Three Great Heaven. He really does remind me of Riboku who also dislikes warfare.

Zhao is goated. This manga won’t be the same without Zhao. Everyone else can’t wait to be finished with Zhao, I meanwhile love them. Easily my favorite state in the manga lol.
Riboku and Zhao are the true antagonists and enemies of the manga
Chu is a side quest or a sequel