Questions & Mysteries Sengoku The Buddha the great mystery

How do you explain that a legendary marine, the only confirmed admiral with conquerors haki, possessor of a mythological zoan, the rarest and most powerful class among zoan and even rarer than logias and being the zoan fruits its main characteristic the physical qualities that it offers to its bearer didn't one shot Luffy pretimeskip?
That is, yes, Luffy deflated and spat blood and even destroyed the platform despite being "defended" by the candle wall + Luffy inflated But Luffy at least must have been rendered unconscious as he was against Kaido ...

Neither did one shot any of the BB pirates with their shockwaves taking them by surprise ... I mean, let's say there were the worst criminals level 6 of impel dawn but not even Burguess, Laffite, Doctor Q, those shits that BB himself told them that not mess with Ace? What the hell Oda?

Sengoku had the intention of fighting himself against Wb and could not one shot the others ... Wtf?

Or maybe since Sengoku is 79 years old he got too weak?
But unlike garp, Sengoku has a zoan which would increase its stats.
I really don't understand what Oda did with Sengoku...
In case you are wondering, I am not trying to underestimate Sengoku, he is simply a character that causes me a lot of intrigue for the aforementioned so I would appreciate if someone likes to give their opinion, do it seriously.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
How do you explain that a legendary marine, the only confirmed admiral with conquerors haki, possessor of a mythological zoan, the rarest and most powerful class among zoan and even rarer than logias and being the zoan fruits its main characteristic the physical qualities that it offers to its bearer didn't one shot Luffy pretimeskip?
That is, yes, Luffy deflated and spat blood and even destroyed the platform despite being "defended" by the candle wall + Luffy inflated But Luffy at least must have been rendered unconscious as he was against Kaido ...

Neither did one shot any of the BB pirates with their shockwaves taking them by surprise ... I mean, let's say there were the worst criminals level 6 of impel dawn but not even Burguess, Laffite, Doctor Q, those shits that BB himself told them that not mess with Ace? What the hell Oda?

Sengoku had the intention of fighting himself against Wb and could not one shot the others ... Wtf?

Or maybe since Sengoku is 79 years old he got too weak?
But unlike garp, Sengoku has a zoan which would increase its stats.
I really don't understand what Oda did with Sengoku...
In case you are wondering, I am not trying to underestimate Sengoku, he is simply a character that causes me a lot of intrigue for the aforementioned so I would appreciate if someone likes to give their opinion, do it seriously.
It's called PIS
Nothing wrong in any of those scenes. 77 Year old Sengoku's portrayal was totally fine at MF both combat and especially strategic wise.

So it’s PIS when it happens to Sengoku but not when it happens to BM?
It wasn't PIS. Luffy simply managed to block Sengoku's punch, that much there is to it. It's a G3 feat and a bad showing for Sengoku.

I keep it consistent, but BM fans are trying to blame every single damn thing on PIS recently but not doing the same for let's say Fujitora.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Nothing wrong in any of those scenes. 77 Year old Sengoku's portrayal was totally fine at MF both combat and especially strategic wise.

It wasn't PIS. Luffy simply managed to block Sengoku's punch, that much there is to it. It's a G3 feat and a bad showing for Sengoku.
Sengoku held back to not harm his man:kayneshrug:
The PIS is that he somehow let to scrub like Luffy to free Ace and that he did'nt went after them.:goatasure:
Sengoku was just pretending that he is on marine side, same as Garp. When WB decided to sunk whole Marinford they was OK with that...especially Sengoku who brings all soldiers on battlefield, just to let them die? While Akainu is the one who was the real Fleet Admiral in MF, everything ,what comes about marines strategy, happened with his help, and because of him. I'm really curious maybe all that meteor thing, with Squad stabbing WB was whole Akainu idea alone, that he shared with Sengoku? Anyway, when WB come and attack marines with hypocrate words, everyone who want to die come here(while he was attacking Marines, and they just protect their home, and meaning of whole live), it was Akainu who stopped him. Also it was Akainu who took fullrage WB attack, and not letting him sunk MF.
Sengoku get his memory, about him being marine, back only when BB took WB power. So Sengoku, Kuzan ..are marines that put disgrace on Justice.


Lead them to paradise.
Nothing wrong in any of those scenes. 77 Year old Sengoku's portrayal was totally fine at MF both combat and especially strategic wise.

It wasn't PIS. Luffy simply managed to block Sengoku's punch, that much there is to it. It's a G3 feat and a bad showing for Sengoku.

I keep it consistent, but BM fans are trying to blame every single damn thing on PIS recently but not doing the same for let's say Fujitora.
I do, fuji stuff is PIS and he was holding back.
BM shows feats when she isn’t against SHs or in their vicinity, like ragdolling Queen while hakiless and amnesiac. Or splitting the skies and the sea with kaido. Shaking onigashima,etc.

Heck admiral lee made a respect thread for her. The problem is, Oda keeps putting her( a top tier with intent to kill) against SHs( cannot be killed) these two conflicting things clash and unsurprisingly the SHs( the mcs) win out and stall/run away from/ move her, it is what is it.

Stop the generalization.
Marineford was PIS too from kizarus kick not doing much to base luffy, to sengoku, to akainu unable to catch up to a flying clown carrying a fat fish and a half dead luffy, to akainu getting stopped by croc, to mihawk getting stopped by croc,etc.

Look past that shit.
That surprised me even before the time skip and so the power multiplier every SH got. Luffy was shown during MF clearly like an ant in a storm, he was not comparable to admirals, they mocked him, Mihawk joked with him. He managed to reach the stage only because of his friends and Garp then Sengoku, the ine standing behind the admirals, the leader of the navy, transforms in his zoan force and punches fully serious Luffy and he comes out alnost like nothing. Didn't make much sense and even less after the power jump we saw with the time skip.


Lead them to paradise.
Did Chopper spat out blood or did the sunny get destroyed by the impact?

You're objectively false.
Do you know how guard point works?
it expands choppers fur faaaar outside his body. Therefore big mom was touching fur, not even choppers real body.
And big mom wasn’t punching, she was slowly putting her palm down looking for the cake.
But these things don’t matter right?
Let’s not forget she was heavily nerfed too.
PIS or rather plot restriction.
It's pretty simple: Admiral turns into a gigantic golden Buddha statue = by default already some of the greatest stats in the verse.
His punching power (even though it's still pretty solid: Wax and G3 afterall) and mainly his Shockwave would get retconned.
Something similar would in my opinion also happen to Kuma's and Enel's moves.
All of those would now probably be as effective as they were against the pre ts chars.