Sequel trilogy vs Prequel trilogy. Which star wars series is better

Which is better

  • Prequel trilogy

  • Sequel trilogy

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Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Finally a Bob thread that isn’t weird as shit

The prequels at least tried to be their own story, as terrible as they were. With the sequels:

1. 7 was just a generic corporate remake of 4
2. 8 was an attempted response of the criticism that 7 was a remake that felt tonally all over the place
3. 9 was an attempt to salvage the sequel shitshow after everyone hated 8, which also failed as it tried to do way too much and succeeded at almost nothing

I would rather watch something terrible that at least tries to be original, than I would watch a megacorporation’s soulless attempt to generate revenue.

So I’ll go with the prequels.