Powers & Abilities Shiryu's Awakening

Time for the Shiryu wank to commence, buy the low now before you regret it.
This devil fruit, stated by Shiryu as a useful ability, handpicked by the biggest df nerd in history.
"But Saka you're a dumbass, people have observation haki :yasu:"

He ate it for a reason, I got a sneak peak at the devil fruit book, turns out this is Shiryu's awakening

Lord Shiryu will shift reality and bend space, he'll perform Genjutsu on Mihawk and attain the world's strongest sword, a worthy final opponent for Zoro, or should I say, Zoro is the one who needs to step up his game and surpass his master and his rival Snitches

Shiryu wank assemble

@Blackbeard @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Jailer @TheAncientCenturion @HAJI @centurion @Roronoa-sama @mly90 @ShishioIsBack @Boiroy
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I feel more like his awakening will allow him to make objects invisible and he will make Zoro swords invisible so he will have to work his CoO to the fullest in order to fight.
Based on how paramecia awakenings work, it'll allow him to make all his surroundings invisible including the opponent if he wanted to, without having to touch them. Perhaps to such an extent, the opponent's view is completely blinded.