Chapter Discussion Someone is kidnapping/killing cipher pol agents?


Another mystery :myman:
The Vegapunks assure Lucci that all the ships left Egghead and Lilith even invites the CP0 to get in the island to see(see what?) for themselves...
The revos are a bunch of soyboys that run from everyone, BB has been busy with his DF hunting, Shanks is the Gorosei's nephew, so who did this, was it Kidd, the invincible Yonkou Katakuri, the Lord of the Coast or maybe the Cross Guild?

Another mystery :myman:
The Vegapunks assure Lucci that all the ships left Egghead and Lilith even invites the CP0 to get in the island to see(see what?) for themselves...
The revos are a bunch of soyboys that run from everyone, BB has been busy with his DF hunting, Shanks is the Gorosei's nephew, so who did this, was it Kidd, the invincible Yonkou Katakuri, the Lord of the Coast or maybe the Cross Guild?
CP0 is going after Vegapunk for reasons related to what happened to Lulusia
The implication is that the whole thing about the ships going missing is just a charge they made up to legally kill Vegapunk


The Sol King
It cannot be Cross Guild, the first disapperance was "two months ago", way before CG formed.

It may be a falseflag to give a reason why CP0 is going to assassinate Vegapunk.
Only ones capable are BBP such as Shiryu, Aokiji
There is also Dragon, Moria, Enel and Seraphim

If it's Sea Based, then could be Shadows we saw near Thriller Bark