Bougya Spoilers when??

Dono If fake, So please confirm if correct or false (From Reddit):

Confirmed by redon on AP forums and Pew
- In the chapter we see something about the disappearance of the Kingdom of Lulusia.
- There is a giant hole in the sea where the Kingdom of Lulusia used to be.
And the sea level has risen around.

Magazine break next week
More to follow later today
Dono If fake, So please confirm if correct or false (From Reddit):

Confirmed by redon on AP forums and Pew
- In the chapter we see something about the disappearance of the Kingdom of Lulusia.
- There is a giant hole in the sea where the Kingdom of Lulusia used to be.
And the sea level has risen around.

Magazine break next week
More to follow later today
Its confirmed



Oda died in the surgery and shonen jump is hiding it with several breaks, they are still developing his doppelganger and scanning his brain for the clone to draw the chapters