Versus Battle Star and Stripe vs the President of the US Funny Valentine

As usual with Valentine the fight takes place in the Root universe. Star and Stripe’s New Order cannot affect Stands unfortunately because the very concept of what they are is beyond her understanding as it is beyond the understanding of most readers.

If she’s lucky in deciphering the Multiversal enigma that is the president of the United States, then her ability can work on him directly.

Round 1. Star and Stripe vs Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Round 2. Star and Stripe + Shigaraki with New Order vs Love Train
Short answer: Funny bullies S&S.
D4C is an unfairly broken ability to put most characters up against, especially MHA characters. Funny can replace himself with a completely uninjured version of himself to keep himself from dying. He can practically teleport using D4C. And all he needs to do to win is get S&S in between two objects, transport her to another dimension, and as soon as she comes in contact with her alternate self it's game over. Her ability is broken, if she's able to use it. Not to mention Valentine is FAR smarter so that coupled with his OP ass ability gives him round 1.

Round 2 is even more unfair, even with Shiggy helping. Love Train has one weakness, which neither of them know or have access to. It is the ultimate defense that not even the strongest MHA characters could hope to do anything against. Not to mention D4C's most basic attacks can become fatal one's because of Love Train. You could get a cut on your leg and boom, now that cut is on your heart. Although attacking does make him leave that defense for a split second, I still don't think either of them could capitalize on that in time if Valentine even decided to do it. Pretty much, if team MHA don't get the Golden Spin they are fucked.

I love My Hero don't get me wrong but JoJo top tiers are just on a different level compared to shit like MHA so the fights end up being extremely one sided.
