Stricter punishment on leaking spoiler content inappropriate

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Most forums have rules regarding spoiler discussion, usually to discuss it in a separate thread or use proper spoiler tag. Unfortunately, there are always people who cannot read and follow the rules properly. For example, @stealthblack just spoiled the upcoming chapter without proper spoiler tag. This is something that I have seen to occur regularly this forum. But the punishment is always too light, only something like thread deletion. When would people learn to follow the rule then? I think mods should be more strict regarding the violation of this rule, something like ban for one day (and prolonged bans for repeated violation)
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Most forums have rules regarding spoiler discussion, usually to discuss it in a separate thread or use proper spoiler tag. Unfortunately, there are always people who cannot read and follow the rules properly. For example, @stealthblack just spoiled the upcoming chapter without proper spoiler tag. This is something that I have seen to occur regularly this forum. But the punishment is always too light, only something like thread deletion. When would people learn to follow the rule then? I think mods should be more strict regarding the violation of this rule, something like ban for one day (and prolonged bans for repeated violation)
I only spoiled small details.

And I see you in spoiler thread all the time
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Zoro Worshipper
Most people probably do that unintentionally so it would not be too fair to inflict several days of ban for who spoils a single content.

It always depends on what's the level of gravity of the infraction the way I see it.
This is not a solution, like at all lmao
Thank you. What aesima said is something like: to stop racism in USA, just deport all the immigrants.

OP asking mods to police every post for potential spoilers, in an active community, youre gonna run into spoilers regardless,if you get salty over that then you may as well not log in. :kayneshrug:
When did i say that? Read back my initial post, because you definitely fail to comprehend it.
My point is to ask the mods to be more strict for any violation on the spoiler content rules.

LOL. The solution is simple. One week ban for those who write spoilers outside of the section. They'll learn soon enough.
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