You understand that that's a stupid argument, right?
How do you think those societies that are "about to be changed forever" came to be? Out of the blue?
hum...lets see,Europe was once a continent of white and christian people.If they all become muslims and arabic people,i think its not the same anymore...just saying.I'm not saying this good or bad,i'm just saying what it is.You seem to be getting triggered for some reason.I'm latin american,i don't give a fuck about Europe.It would actually be a good thing for Brazil if Nato and the US destroy themselves in a nuclear war.i haven't seem any muslim nation a talking about turing the amazon forest(60% of my countries territory) into "international territory".So i'm actually rooting for the US and Europe's downfall.
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And this has nothing to do with religion.
The world is falling apart.Russia and China want a nuke war.Europe became atheist/left wing and is suffering a muslim migration that will change that place forever.USA and Israel still seem to be the strongest nation.Latin America and Africa and basically controlled by commies and drug lords,so yeah it is fucked up down here.
Wtf are you talking about?:endthis:
"No popular support" = almost 50% of votes in the first round.
yes,according to big media.This clown doesn't even go to debates anymore,walks around with security gaurds,only makes private speechs,gets shat on every public place he goes.Open up your dude,most people hate Lula now.only the dumb ones and forerign powers want Lula as president.
hum...lets see,Europe was once a country of white and christian people.If they all become muslims and arabic people,i think its not the same anymore...just saying.I'm not saying this good or bad,i'm just saying what it is.You seem to be getting triggered for some reason.I'm latin american,i don't give a fuck about Europe.It would actually be a good thing for Brazil if Nato and the US destroy themselves in a nuclear war.i haven't seem any muslim nation a talking about turing the amazon forest(60% of my countries territory) into "international territory".So i'm actually rooting for the US and Europe's downfall.
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And this has nothing to do with religion.
Nevertheless, your point about some ubiquitous European society that can only be changed now, by muslims, is unfounded.

Societies have changed since the concept of society has existed. Those that didn't don't exist anymore.
The Europeans of the 13th century, those of the 18th, and those of today would be at serious odds with each other. To say the least.