Let's assume that Kanjuro and Oorochi were confirmed to be dead and gone (i hope so). What might be the fates of their Devil Fruits, shall Oda intends to use their DF's again??? My best bet: Fude-Fude (Kanjuro's DF will reincarnate in somewhere nearby Onigashima (possibly the orange trees of Nami in Thousand Sunny and can be eaten either by Carrot or Usopp. Why any of them? They are great at drawing and having them gaining a power-up of a Devil Fruit would be a nice reward after all that hard battle. Also, Carrot drew these Jojo-styled versions of Sanji's rescue team and is good at drawing maps, so she coul make an interesting use of this Devil Fruit, while Hebi-Hebi could end in the hands of someone of BB's crew, after all, like the Gorosei said in the chapter 1044, every zoan has it's own will, specially the Mythycal ones, so the Hebi Hebi would certainly look for someone with a coward personality, like Orochi has (or had). Usopp wuld also a great candidate, after all he drew the mugiwara Jolly Roger and could draw some insane ammo for his weapons. Would be interestting, as for the first time, we would have Fude-Fude and Hebi-Hebi: Yamata no Orochi standing on opposite sides.