Theory The final realization of Sanji's flame abilities will turn him into a logia

Amongst the top tiers of One Piece, there are two powers that are almost ubiquitous. If you are a top tier, you probably have one of these two powers. Those powers being ACoC and logias.

Amongst the straw hats, we can be sure that by the EoS, all members of the monster trio will be top tier. Be it the marine admirals, Kuzan, or the one of the gorosei, Sanji is assured to defeat a top tier by the EoS.

And that begs the question, how will Oda make Sanji a top tier? Now while ACoC is the most common answer, I wonder if there could be another path Oda might take. Because in wano, Oda chose to give Zoro ACoC while Sanji got no haki power ups but rather a power up to his body and his flames. So, what if instead of backtracking and giving Sanji ACoC, Oda made Sanji a top tier by expanding on his flames.

And here's the theory. If most top tiers are either ACoC users or logias and Sanji is not an ACoC user, he will become a logia. So far we are yet to get an explanation for what Sanji's flames are. However one thing is clear, they are not a product of science. We know this because Queen directly asks Sanji this question and Sanji refutes this being the case.

So then what are Sanji's flames?

Well in Egghead, Vegapunk explained that DFs were born of people's dreams. Sanji told Queen that his flames come from his passion. I believe there is a connection here. I believe that via Sanji's passion, he is creating an artificial DF power within himself. However, I don't believe that Sanji has fully realized that power of the ability he is creating, hence he is still able to swim.

I think that Sanji's ultimate test to enter into the top tiers will be to realize his artificial DF power into a full blown DF power. In doing so, he will lose his ability to swim, however his flame abilities will be greatly enhanced and he will ultimately become a logia.

However I don't think Sanji will have another version of the mera mera no mi, as we know only one of each power can exist at a time. Hence I think the DF Sanji is creating within himself will be something different. We can see that with Ifrit jambe, the mera mera no mi has never used blue flames or lightning before. I think that Sanji's DF will rather be the plasma plasma fruit, which will share properties of both the goro goro no mi and the mera mera no mi. Through his fight with Kuzan, Sanji will realize this power, allowing him to defeat Kuzan and his ice abilities.