1 month Break for another LA is the worst experience for a manga/up-to-date audiences.
He could take a break for 3+ months if it's for health care, anytime he wants.....
Nonetheless everything is about business and the most important of all its BIG πŸ’°, and then if s2 sells again, we're getting s4, s5 etc till end of the manga if we're still alive at that point.....
LA One Piece is better then manga
Unless these guys can come back introducing so many of them to take them out is kinda non sense.

Stella + 3 would had been enough, one is a traitor one dies, Stella dies and one good remains
Oda didn’t even do anything with the concept he set up bro it’s so fucking funny

They were all supposed to be parts of Vegapunks psyche and emotions. Oda was doing all this about how Vegapunk might not be as morally good as we think

Oh wait.. no.. he ended up being the fucking Arc Princess