Character Discussion The Gorosei have actually accomplished quite a bit during this arc

First I want to start off that no this topic is NOT about the power level or feats of the Gorosei and imo no the Gorosei are not going to be defeated during the Egghead arc, next let's compare the goals of the Gorosei during Egghead to that of previous villains such as Kaido and Big Mom.

During the WCI arc, Big Mom's main goal was to kill the Vinsmoke and take the Germa Military, by the end of WCI, not only did Big Mom fail to kill the Vinsmokes and take their military but she and her crew even failed to capture or kill Jinbe and the Sun Pirates who all got away safely.

Then there is Kaido, during the Wano arc, Kaido's main goal was the Onigashima Project which was to put Onigashima onto the Flower Capital. Not only did Kaido fail on that goal but he also failed to win the war against Luffy and the others, and he also failed to kill a single important named character.

Both Kaido and Big Mom's goals all failed and they ended up achieving nothing. Now let's compare that to the Gorosei during the Egghead arc.

Here are the main goals of the Gorosei, kill Vegapunk, as well as getting York, Punk Records, the Mother Flame, and of course stopping Vegapunk's brodcast.

First thanks to Kizaru, they were able to successfully kill off Vegapunk which was one of their main goals.

The next thing they were able to accomplish was freeing York.

They were able to even find the location of both the Mother Flame and Punk Records.

But that's not all they were able to accomplish, they even took down all the Pacifistas on the island.

They also ended up freeing the Seraphims and the other Cipher Pol Agents.

And finally even though they had trouble finding the source Vegapunk's brodcast, but once they found out where the source was from, they immediately dealt with it. They were able to even stop the brodcast just in time before Vegapunk could say anything about the Will of D.

Also you can't blame the Gorosei for taking this long to find the source of the brodcast, they had no idea that Vegapunk would do this and even York who is a Vegapunk herself at first didn't know where the source was.

But once York found out where the source was and told the Gorosei, they were able to finally stop it.

In conclusion once this arc ends, the Gorosei will have accomplished their goals of killing Vegapunk, getting York, getting Punk Records, getting the Mother Flame, stopping Vegapunk's brodcast just in time before he could say anything major about the Will of D or anything else.

And of course freeing the Seraphims to have on their side.

The only thing they will fail to accomplish are killing the Straw Hats which was obvious, failing to kill Bonney, failing to kill the Giants, and imo I think they will also fail to kill Lilith and Atlas.

So again when compared to the goals of the other previous villains from post timeskip such as Kaido and Big Mom, in this arc the villains have actually achieved more.

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I agree. People may call them incompetent for "jobbing" against the weaker SHs, Bonney, and the Giants, but when you keep in mind that the same Admirals and Warlords that could kill Ace and Whitebeard (albeit Whitebeard was having a heart attack and had vicious cancer) couldn't even catch Buggy and weakened Luffy & Jinbe when the plot demanded for it, then the Gorosei actually did pretty great.
I agree. People may call them incompetent for "jobbing" against the weaker SHs, Bonney, and the Giants, but when you keep in mind that the same Admirals and Warlords that could kill Ace and Whitebeard (albeit Whitebeard was having a heart attack and had vicious cancer) couldn't even catch Buggy and weakened Luffy & Jinbe when the plot demanded for it, then the Gorosei actually did pretty great.
Yep! Sometimes people are way too focused on the fights.
I mean BM and Kaido were meant to be defeated in Wano unlike gorosei in Egghead. There time of defeat will come also and gorosei are incompetent as fuck.

How can they allow luffy in pre-skip to roam freely without sending admirals on him? Why they never took Luffy seriously in pre-skip knowing how significant nika DF is?
They didn’t know about the Nika Fruit until Shanks snitched to them
Does not change the fact it makes gorosei look like clowns
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Jupiter didn’t know about the name change until recently, and Shanks went to talk to them about a “certain pirate” conveniently right after Shbaks had just said he and Luffy will meet soon, and right after Luffy beat Kata and became the “5th Emperor”
Jupiter didn’t know about the name change until recently, and Shanks went to talk to them about a “certain pirate” conveniently right after Shbaks had just said he and Luffy will meet soon, and right after Luffy beat Kata and became the “5th Emperor”
Not only shanks most likely talked about BB , when was it stated peter didn't knew the name?

Foul Legacy

Does not change the fact it makes gorosei look like clowns
Can say the same for Bigmam.
People were equating 5th emperor to Bigmam.
Bigmam would have One shotted posy WCI Luffy.
Retcons everywhere.
I don't understand how people with AdCoC and Mythical zoan that too awakened are incompetent.
Try giving marco awakening And adcoc see where he sky rockets too.
Gorosei bar nasujuro are only abusing their zoan forms. Not even hybrid.
I agree. People may call them incompetent for "jobbing" against the weaker SHs, Bonney, and the Giants, but when you keep in mind that the same Admirals and Warlords that could kill Ace and Whitebeard (albeit Whitebeard was having a heart attack and had vicious cancer) couldn't even catch Buggy and weakened Luffy & Jinbe when the plot demanded for it, then the Gorosei actually did pretty great.
Oda never drew any of them trying aside of Akainu and it took every commander + Crocodile + NW captains to stall him