Chapter Discussion The Gorosei owe Lucci blood.


No one betrays him. Fool him once, shame on you, full him twice, and it’s raining Shigans. WG fucked up for the final time and at the beginning of the arc Stussy was already calling Lucci out for questioning them with his special instincts

Saturn is getting butchered. Silly little ladmiral fans can keep hyping up old senior citizens as cope but everyone knows they aren’t relevant to any Yonko, much less a top tier YC because anyone who could pay attention would remember that they consider Marco superior to themselves and that Laffite can troll Navy HQ casually along with Doflamingo giving them the finger all his life

You are foolish if you think Saturn brings anything. He is cat chow for daring to cross the most deadly assassin on the seas
sent to egghead as an expendable casualty and loose end, Seraphim trying to kill him, and more when they try to nuke him in a Buster Call
He knew the Sera could turn on him cause of VP, he is fighting the Seras that are trying to kill VP as we speak. If anything he is the one that betrayed them not the other way around.
He knew the Sera could turn on him cause of VP, he is fighting the Seras that are trying to kill VP as we speak. If anything he is the one that betrayed them not the other way around.
There are so many indications that hint towards a wide chasm yawning between the WG and Lucci as an individual I think that both – the WG and Lucci – are not longer that inclined to depend on each other. The clues are as follows:

  • The persons that give us the most clues that the WG is not anymore considering him an asset are Shaka and Stussy.
  • Shaka: It is as if he is a copy of Lucci. His body posture is the same (shoving hishands into his pockets), his eloquent speaking, his strategical thinking and his almost obsessive drive he has to protect the Stellar at all costs. He is even prepared to sacrifice himself and the other Satellites for the Stellar’s safety – this is similar to Lucci’s own thinking (he wanted to sacrifice Robin for the peace of the world.) Even their names are mirroring each other (Shaka – from jepanese Religion meaning Buddha Shaka Nyorai - representing all that is “Good”; Lucci as a short form for Lucifer representing all that is “Evil”). They share a connection. And I can bet that when Shaka takes off that helmet of his, then we will see a similarity with Lucci – I am very sure of it as of now. And their mirroring of each other lets me question how Lucci’s own relationship to Vegapunk is, if he has any, that is. The theory would be that if Shaka is a Satellite and equal to Lucci, than this means that Lucci could be a Satellite as well (Just a theory, nothing more – is maybe not even correct, but would also explain many things.)
  • Stussy: Have you seen how Stussy is always present in the scenes in which we are seeing Lucci and Kaku before Egghead? She is there behind Lucci when CP0 interferes during the Reverie with Neptun and Carlos. She is there in the background when Lucci makes the call to his colleagues in Wano. And she is now there when they have the mission to kill Vegapunk. Why is she there the whole time? Is she observing Lucci from within the WG? And she is doing it since a few weeks – since the end of WCI if I am correct. And the way she is depicted in the anime especially during Lucci’s call gives me chills.
  • It is also Stussy, who I strongly believe to be still on the side of the WG, because it was her, who pro actively calls Akainu to inform him that the SHP were on the island. What made it harder for Vegapunk to flee, because now Akainu has time to prepare for that. It is also her that made Lucci and Kaku stop their advance after she commented that Akainu wanted them to wait for the marines to arrive. So she made both of them stop (put them to sleep).
  • Then we have the Seraphim who were gunning for CP0 in the control room. You have to read this if you want to understand, why York is maybe even targeting CP0 (Lucci) here: Anaysis chapter 1078 (You can also question the little slipup I noticed as Stussy spoke with Sentoumaru - this is interesting as well.) And keep in mind the fact that Lucci is mirroring Shaka here and that York indicated her goal is to eliminate all Vegapunks.
  • He is, since Kaku conveyed to him that their next aim is Vegapunk, not the loyal agent anymore that we know from Water 7 and Enies Lobby. Look at chapter 1062. In the very first panels of him, Kaku tells him the details about their mission. To which Lucci “questions their order. You have to let that sink in – Lucci questioning an order given to him by the Gorosei! He is also destroying the Labo-stratum, even if their mission required them to be careful with the interior. He started a fight with Luffy without having the permission – I think I could go on like that… . I think you get, what I want to convey.
Both sides will end up fighting against each other and the WG has it's fare share in making Lucci do so. We could bet on this.
There are so many indications that hint towards a wide chasm yawning between the WG and Lucci as an individual I think that both – the WG and Lucci – are not longer that inclined to depend on each other. The clues are as follows:

  • The persons that give us the most clues that the WG is not anymore considering him an asset are Shaka and Stussy.
  • Shaka: It is as if he is a copy of Lucci. His body posture is the same (shoving hishands into his pockets), his eloquent speaking, his strategical thinking and his almost obsessive drive he has to protect the Stellar at all costs. He is even prepared to sacrifice himself and the other Satellites for the Stellar’s safety – this is similar to Lucci’s own thinking (he wanted to sacrifice Robin for the peace of the world.) Even their names are mirroring each other (Shaka – from jepanese Religion meaning Buddha Shaka Nyorai - representing all that is “Good”; Lucci as a short form for Lucifer representing all that is “Evil”). They share a connection. And I can bet that when Shaka takes off that helmet of his, then we will see a similarity with Lucci – I am very sure of it as of now. And their mirroring of each other lets me question how Lucci’s own relationship to Vegapunk is, if he has any, that is. The theory would be that if Shaka is a Satellite and equal to Lucci, than this means that Lucci could be a Satellite as well (Just a theory, nothing more – is maybe not even correct, but would also explain many things.)
  • Stussy: Have you seen how Stussy is always present in the scenes in which we are seeing Lucci and Kaku before Egghead? She is there behind Lucci when CP0 interferes during the Reverie with Neptun and Carlos. She is there in the background when Lucci makes the call to his colleagues in Wano. And she is now there when they have the mission to kill Vegapunk. Why is she there the whole time? Is she observing Lucci from within the WG? And she is doing it since a few weeks – since the end of WCI if I am correct. And the way she is depicted in the anime especially during Lucci’s call gives me chills.
  • It is also Stussy, who I strongly believe to be still on the side of the WG, because it was her, who pro actively calls Akainu to inform him that the SHP were on the island. What made it harder for Vegapunk to flee, because now Akainu has time to prepare for that. It is also her that made Lucci and Kaku stop their advance after she commented that Akainu wanted them to wait for the marines to arrive. So she made both of them stop (put them to sleep).
  • Then we have the Seraphim who were gunning for CP0 in the control room. You have to read this if you want to understand, why York is maybe even targeting CP0 (Lucci) here: Anaysis chapter 1078 (You can also question the little slipup I noticed as Stussy spoke with Sentoumaru - this is interesting as well.) And keep in mind the fact that Lucci is mirroring Shaka here and that York indicated her goal is to eliminate all Vegapunks.
  • He is, since Kaku conveyed to him that their next aim is Vegapunk, not the loyal agent anymore that we know from Water 7 and Enies Lobby. Look at chapter 1062. In the very first panels of him, Kaku tells him the details about their mission. To which Lucci “questions their order. You have to let that sink in – Lucci questioning an order given to him by the Gorosei! He is also destroying the Labo-stratum, even if their mission required them to be careful with the interior. He started a fight with Luffy without having the permission – I think I could go on like that… . I think you get, what I want to convey.
Both sides will end up fighting against each other and the WG has it's fare share in making Lucci do so. We could bet on this.
I love that Shaka comparison