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All I see is horseshit assumptions.

Infact your statement becomes even more stupid when you realize that your conversation is now talking about the relative perspective of time and the perception of it.

Long story short you have zero proof that that much time had passed since narritively speaking it actually didn't.

Essentially your entire post is making assumptions of whenamd how long fights lasted lol. The fact that you can state that g4 vs kizaru lasted 10 mins (you really see bullshit posts like this when you least expect it) with 0 proof says it all.

"So either all those fights happened in 2 minutes and Luffy lost G5 in a minute and got tired in G4 about 30 seconds and all other event happened that in 30 second leftover, then you're straight up wrong".

Nice try. So essentiallly you are telling me that i am wrong for something you cant prove? You hear how retarded your argument is? Nothing indicates that kizaru and luffys fight was long even in its entirety. Infact it would be stupid to think so since both fighters are speedsters and are trying to wrap things up quickly.
This was cute but it boils down to "I can't prove how much time passed but I believe hours did" which is your point. Nothing in manga supports your point.

The momo example I stated supported my point since again it gave a 5 minute interval of when things had to happen. With in that time fights were had and fights were concluded all with the exception of kaido vs luffy and law/kidd vs bigmom. Nothing indicates that sanji had his own 5 mins and then after zoro had is. Everything implies that their fights ended relatively at the same time since the only window give was.... 5 mins.

You are done

Yeah, classic zoroturd... Since when Luffy loses his G5 with 0 damage taken in 2 minutes? since when Luffy gets tired in 2 minutes? Since when Zoro gets tired in 5 minutes?

Luffy G5 has to last more than 4 minutes because VP timer is down 3 minutes already and Luffy is still in G5. Add another minute of him fighting, thats 4 minutes, so Luffy G5 lasts more than 4 minute.

Luffy already burned one G5, hence already 4 minutes have passed, and with second G5 having another 4 minutes, its already 8 minutes.

You're already wrong even if we dont count the time they were fighting since G4 and they had knocked down and ate got back up fight.

You're literally braindead, brother. Get some help.

Now you're already wrong, and this time with "Proof" now shut the fuck up clown.
Yeah, classic zoroturd... Since when Luffy loses his G5 with 0 damage taken in 2 minutes? since when Luffy gets tired in 2 minutes? Since when Zoro gets tired in 5 minutes?

Luffy G5 has to last more than 4 minutes because VP timer is down 3 minutes already and Luffy is still in G5. Add another minute of him fighting, thats 4 minutes, so Luffy G5 lasts more than 4 minute.

Luffy already burned one G5, hence already 4 minutes have passed, and with second G5 having another 4 minutes, its already 8 minutes.

You're already wrong even if we dont count the time they were fighting since G4 and they had knocked down and ate got back up fight.

You're literally braindead, brother. Get some help.

Now you're already wrong, and this time with "Proof" now shut the fuck up clown.
Since luffy took 0 damaged from lucci and yet luffy was still turned into a old man after g5. Luffy was tired in his first use of g5 against kaido and in seconds bounced back into g5.

And based on your shitty example I guess luffy was fighting lucci for hours in g5 since when after he fought lucci he turned into an old man and couldn't move around. So guess lucci vs luffy lasted more than 4mins based on your analogy then lol.

You then realize your point is even more stupid when you take into account that g4 and g5 can last even less time depending on one's haki output. That's essentially g4a weakness. So essentially we now confirm that you are indeed bullshitting lol. But hey if you believe that lucci vs g5 luffy lasted 15 to 20 mins I won't argue with you
Debunked actually. Luffy was tired in his first use of g5 against kaido and in seconds bounced back into g5.

And base on your shitty example I guess luffy was fighting lucci for hours in g5 since when after he fought lucci he turned into an old man and couldn't move around. So guess lucci vs luffy lasted more than 4mins based on your analogy then lol.

You then realize your point is even more stupid when you take into account that g4 and g5 can last even less time depending on one's haki output. That's essentially g4a weakness. So essentially we now confirm that you are indeed bullshitting lol. But hey if you believe that lucci vs g5 luffy lasted 15 to 20 mins I won't argue with you

Kaido and Luffy have no business in this because Luffy was extremely damaged in there. This is fresh Luffy.

You're literally braindead... In Kizaru vs. Luffy, he "reached" his limit, while in the Lucci fight, he's never shown to have reached his limit. He got out of G5 because he wasn't fighting anymore. You literally see Luffy on the seat, not down or no ground. Learn to read dumb-dumb.

Where exactly does say that? zoro piece? And what "more haki" did Luffy use against Kizaru? He attacked Kizaru twice in the first one and twice in the second, plus another time for attacking Saturn, and it was gatling, hence burning more haki.

Now you're just assuming things to support your braindead take, which is literally proven wrong with manga itself. We don't assume things without any proof, right? That's what you were talking about one comment ago.

Stop embarrassing yourself any more than this illiterate brother...
Kaido and Luffy have no business in this because Luffy was extremely damaged in there. This is fresh Luffy.

You're literally braindead... In Kizaru vs. Luffy, he "reached" his limit, while in the Lucci fight, he's never shown to have reached his limit. He got out of G5 because he wasn't fighting anymore. You literally see Luffy on the seat, not down or no ground. Learn to read dumb-dumb.

Where exactly does say that? zoro piece? And what "more haki" did Luffy use against Kizaru? He attacked Kizaru twice in the first one and twice in the second, plus another time for attacking Saturn, and it was gatling, hence burning more haki.

Now you're just assuming things to support your braindead take, which is literally proven wrong with manga itself. We don't assume things without any proof, right? That's what you were talking about one comment ago.

Stop embarrassing yourself any more than this illiterate brother...
Cap we see him old being carried by chopper. After luffy g5 ended he was exhausted and old
This was a fresh luffy vs a fresh lucci. And the ending result was luffy was fatigued. So again does that correlate to him and luccis fight being minutes/hours.

The only person making assumptions was you lol