Character Discussion The Monster Trio.… at their PEAK who is the most Badass?

Who's the Most Badass when they get a moment?

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Sanji's moments are the classiest and definitely the most impactful for me especially when his OST starts playing. That being said, Luffy and Zoro are on pure demon time and get into shit that others wouldn't dare to do, such as threatening celestials.

Luffy and Zoro = most badass

Sanji = most swagger

Overall I've gotta give it to Luffy though, as his moments are the craziest in comparison to his usual easy-going nature.
You Sanji fan have to face the truth, the character pre ts had a lot of cool moments and even the perverted and disgusting side was less obvious, post ts Sanji has been beyond pathetic, Alabasta and Enies Lobby moments are gone, it remained only disgusting perversion, tears, snot and humiliating defeats.
I’m not letting Slander on any of these 3 slide….
Enies Lobby Sanji and Wano Sanji are literally the same Sanji. If anything Wano Sanji has more moments in totality. Hell Onigashima Sanji has more moments in totality than Enies Lobby Sanji.

also it’s been almost a year since we’ve seen a Sanji gag in the manga. Clearly perversion is not the only aspect of his character.
I’m not letting Slander on any of these 3 slide….
Enies Lobby Sanji and Wano Sanji are literally the same Sanji. If anything Wano Sanji has more moments in totality. Hell Onigashima Sanji has more moments in totality than Enies Lobby Sanji.

also it’s been almost a year since we’ve seen a Sanji gag in the manga. Clearly perversion is not the only aspect of his character.
Did you forgot when they arrived at Origashima when more than 5000 samurai and his crew where on the verge of a war and ready to put their life on the line and he wanted to go to the brothel?
Oda does a great job of hitting the different dimensions of badass with Zoro. Obviously he fulfills the stoic tough guy role and that extends beyond the easy stuff, kicking ass and cool lines
But it also goes towards the fact that above his own ambition, in a series about the power of friendship, Zoro is all about trust and loyalty. He's more badass sticking up for someone or upholding the integrity than winning a fight or working on his own thing
Did you forgot when they arrived at Origashima when more than 5000 samurai and his crew where on the verge of a war and ready to put their life on the line and he wanted to go to the brothel?
Yea but what did that lead too? Saving Momo ……….

Also wasn’t Sanji drinking Tea with Khalifa while everyone was fighting cp9? Y’all act like this is brand new.
Yea but what did that lead too? Saving Momo ……….

Also wasn’t Sanji drinking Tea with Khalifa while everyone was fighting cp9? Y’all act like this is brand new.
What does it mean? The fact with Black Maria I ignored for that, because he don't fight women and even if it's incredibile offensive for all the women in the world, I understand because he has been raised that way, but going to a brothel lead to save Momo? What the hell are you talking about? It's completely a casual thing, it's the intention that count, his intention was to go at prostitutes when all his friends (Nami and Robin even) could have died at any moment. Without taking in consideration the fact that Big Mom on Wano is completely his fault, Luffy and Zoro going ahead was because they trusted that he and Jimbei could protect the others, how do you judge a character that act like that?
What does it mean? The fact with Black Maria I ignored for that, because he don't fight women and even if it's incredibile offensive for all the women in the world, I understand because he has been raised that way, but going to a brothel lead to save Momo? What the hell are you talking about? It's completely a casual thing, it's the intention that count, his intention was to go at prostitutes when all his friends (Nami and Robin even) could have died at any moment, even if he was the fourth stronger fighter of the crew (before the lego power-up).
When could Nami and Robin have died??Dont create stakes that weren't there bruh.......
When could Nami and Robin have died??Dont create stakes that weren't there bruh.......
In a war 30000 vs 5000 with 2 Yonko on the other side with a false step they could have been all annihilated in less than an hour, I only delineed them because he is adamant on saying that he will protect them on every occasion, for make you understand better the concept, I didn't headcanon stakes, the stakes are clear enough. You can imagine what could have happened without Marco to bring down the BMP, to make an example. You should try to understand when one write something, i seem that I have to explain every single word, a little of logical thinking would be appreciated :whitepress:
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Zoro, his character is about being the badaas guy.

He have a lot of moments like cutting Hody underwater, cutting Monet, Apoo, Hawkins, Killer, etc that are kind minor plotwise, but very badass.

Luffy has some cool ones, but he more like the good hero most of the time no the badass.

Sanji who cares, his character have become a joke post-TS, only since mid-WCI his character have stoped being a joke. But i dont think that he asking Robin for help was a bad moment, was a good character development for he and expecially for her. The shit moment is he in the bathhouse and all the perv shit.
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In a war 30000 vs 5000 with 2 Yonko on the other side with a false step they could have been all annihilated in less than an hour, I only delineed them because he is adamant on saying that he will protect them on every occasion, for make you understand better the concept, I didn't headcanon stakes, the stakes are clear enough. You can imagine what could have happened without Marco to bring down the BMP, to make an example. You should try to understand when one write something, i seem that I have to explain every single word, a little of logical thinking would be appreciated :whitepress:
I don't think Sanji being focused from the start changes much , he gets captured by black Maria regardless if he's focused or not, and we know he doesn't fight Queen until 1015 so.... but anyways what does that have to do with onigashima sanji vs enies sanji comparison? Him looking for women or whatever dispute the fact that he has more moments in onigashima than Enies Lobby.

The Chad among chads
A part of fanfiction: Asteria Nightmare by Velkyn Karma. (For context, Nami just held an item that contains Luffy's dream-ambitions-feelings, and this was what she felt):

The sensation was unmistakable, could be nobody but her captain. She wasn't assailed by scents or images. Instead, raw, undiluted feeling hit her instead, so powerful she almost stumbled again. It was pure determination, pure ideal, so strong it was almost tangible, and it felt almost too solid, too real, to be a mere dream. She had always wondered how Luffy could state with such certainty that he was going to be the Pirate King, not that he wanted to be one—but if this was what filled his heart every second of every day, then it was no wonder he was so positive about his goal. Such strength of mind felt...reassuring, familiar, and to Nami it almost felt like Luffy was running right alongside her, cheering her on, giving her strength.
A part of fanfiction: Asteria Nightmare by Velkyn Karma. (For context, Nami just held an item that contains Luffy's dream-ambitions-feelings, and this was what she felt):

The sensation was unmistakable, could be nobody but her captain. She wasn't assailed by scents or images. Instead, raw, undiluted feeling hit her instead, so powerful she almost stumbled again. It was pure determination, pure ideal, so strong it was almost tangible, and it felt almost too solid, too real, to be a mere dream. She had always wondered how Luffy could state with such certainty that he was going to be the Pirate King, not that he wanted to be one—but if this was what filled his heart every second of every day, then it was no wonder he was so positive about his goal. Such strength of mind felt...reassuring, familiar, and to Nami it almost felt like Luffy was running right alongside her, cheering her on, giving her strength.
You couldn't see his face not from where you were, but you can imagine it's the same smile he wore when he asked you to join his crew, earnest and wide, a boyish grin of genuine pleasure. The one that made you say "yes" the first time and every time after.
It's a smile they won't pin down in history books and years from now when they speak of the legendary pirate king it will be a long lost memory. They'll speak of his fists, his monstrous strength, his never ending determination, but his smile will be forgotten and perhaps it is best for such a dangerous thing to disappear from this world along with his passing. Luffy's smile is one that moves entire oceans, for which you'd go through hell and back again, a smile that you'd follow to the ends of the earth if that's what it took.
You don't know that yet but you will, just not at nineteen, while you lie wounded and dizzy with the humiliation of your first total defeat.
I view scenes like these as way more badass, over "Who can cause the most destruction" kind of scenes.

Badass scenes need to be a combination of visual, and narrative. It's what they say, when doing what they are doing that makes the scenes hit the hardest.