Theory The most unpopular opinion: why Koby will beat Hancock

There is something fans need to understand about Oda's writing style. Oda likes to often take secondary characters, put them on the back burner for some time, and then surprise the readers with how strong said character has grown.

Robin is the perfect example of this. The last time she had a serious 1v1 was skypiea, and now you have her beating black maria, all while showing off new techniques like gigante fleur, demonio, and fishman karate.

Oda also held off from showing Zoro's true power for quite some time, we are 1000+ chapters into the series and Zoro just recently used asura for the first time post skip.

My point with this is that since the series is so long and not every character gets a spotlight every arc, when a character does have the opportunity to shine, when they are given a spotlight, Oda isn't going to disappoint the reader.

So lets take Koby and view him under this lens. Koby is a very important character, his dream parallels Luffy's and he played a pivotal role in marineford. Koby also didn't make an official appearance post skip until after WCI and not only is his mission at amazon lily the first major thing he's doing post skip, its basically the only major thing he's done apart from marineford.

With this in mind, does it make sense for Oda to set Koby up for failure? For him to not show Koby hundreds of chapters and then send him into a battle where he gets low diffed? The same guy who is supposed to be a future admiral? It just doesn't make sense. Luffy is fighting the yonko, Zoro and sanji are fighting the yonko commanders, and the rest fought the tobi roppo. Are we really supposed to believe that after 2 years of haki training from garp, Oda can't power him up enough to win at least one battle in the new world?

Personally, I think Oda has already given enough set up for Koby to win. We know that the marines have extremely high tech weapons, we know vegapunk and the SSG were supposed to replace the shichibukai, why can't Koby get a science upgrade? Maybe he could get an artificial devil fruit, or a sea stone weapon, or a raid suit, genetic enhancements, cybernetic enhancements steroids, literally anything.

Koby has no feats and his portrayal isn't necessarily bad, if Oda reveals that the SSG gave him an upgrade, he could easily create a scenario where Koby gets the W and I just don't know why he wouldn't do that given how Koby hasn't got a spotlight in 400+ chapters.

Apart from what I've already addressed, there's one other argument I feel like dominates this discussion when it really shouldn't.

"Koby is just a captain, he's clearly too weak to fight hancock"

To that I respond that Zoro technically has a bounty that's only 20 mil higher than pekoms and he scarred kaido. Koby is just a captain until he's not; we're headed towards the end of the series post wano, by the final war Koby should at least be a vice admiral. Whenever Oda holds off on revealing a character's true strength, there are inevitably fans who will doubt that Oda will surprise them. Many fans said that zoro would never fight kaido, or that even if he did fight kaido, he would struggle to hurt him. Many fans also doubted that Sanji would fight a yonko commander yet here he is. So just know, when you bet against Koby, you are betting against Oda's own writing style.
Koby is a captain

He's Tashigi lvl
Zoro's bounty is about the same as Pekoms
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Like I said, Koby is a captain until he isn't. With the SSG, Oda could justify Koby becoming exponentially stronger. He already has high level haki from 2 years of training with garp, a science power up could push him to high tier.

And as for him being Drake's underling. I think Drake got some pretty heavy death flags with hawkins's statement about someone having a 99% death chance. It really could be that Drake gets a big moment at the end of wano where he dies, leaving Koby to become a rear admiral and replace Drake as the leader of SWORD.
He might defeat her, it would not necessarily look that awful. It clearly depends on how much Oda deems as necessary for his character. If he wants to make his career advance a lot, though Hancock will likely be freed in the future and question is will there be enough time to.
The only way for Coby to "defeat" Hancock is if Fujitora or the SSG is there.
My entire point is that Koby will likely be part of the SSG
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What a lot of people fail to realize is that Koby's growth is on par with the straw hats and the only reason he was weak pre-skip was because he started off the series sub-fodder level. But he unlocked haki pre-skip, meaning he was basically on a level playing field with the monster trio, at least haki wise. He unlocked haki at the same time as Luffy and was trained by an arguably stronger teacher.

The only thing that's holding him back is that outside of haki, he doesn't have much going for him apart from a mere 2 year mastery of rokushiki. As opposed to sanji who in addition to haki and martial arts, also has diable jambe and the raid suit.
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Which is why I say, give him cybernetics, give him sea stone weapons, give him genetic enhancements, give him an artificial/real devil fruit, give him a vegapunk created raid suit, give him literally anything special, unique, and powerful and it would easily make him supernova level.

And I've yet to see anyone actually debunk my analysis on this. All they say is "koby is captain therefore he must forever be weak", when you have 320 mil bounty zoro scarring kaido and fighting king.
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You clearly don't understand Oda writing to come with a bullshit like that.

First of all, Hancock is not one of the weakest Yonkos like community like to think. She is one of the strongest. That was before we know about Adv Coc. Now that she may have it, she may be Mihawk level or above(I already had her above Doffy).

Second, Coby is not alone. All reason they are hunting Shichibukai is because Vegapunk's new weapon. So Coby is using that weapon to fight Hancock. Since Fujitora "saw" that weapon and he knows Doffy and Luffy strength as a parameter, it may be strong enough to fulfill it purpose.

I hardly believe that weapon is a boost at person like Cyborgues or Vinsmokes. From the top of my head I don't remember Marines doing anything like that to themselves. I think is more in the way of Pacifista themselves. Stronger version of them. Maybe Pacifista with haki? DF? Smile like?

At same time I believe all Shichibukai can loose to that weapon and can win either way. I would be more sure of their lost if they sent one Admiral to help.


I don't think Koby defeating Boa is "the most unpopular opinion" at all.

I see a lot of people agree with this.

In fact i'm in the same boat, Koby's growth is absolutely insane, considering where he started in the series and how Luffy was already training for 10 years before meeting Koby, Koby has a leveling up speed higher than Luffy i believe.

I wouldn't find it weird for Koby to defeat Boa at all, especially because i can see Koby not being affected by Boa's DF if Oda does some shenanigans of Koby already liking Rebecca after those interactions, even if Oda doesn't do this shipping thing at all.

But it's not just that, besides showing Koby's growth, Boa is the only Warlord that losing has some value to the story, because it's the only one that Luffy cares for.

Buggy will get away in exchange for abandoning his crew, Mihawk and Weevil are gonna obliterate the Marines and Boa is the only one left that can actually lose.

It makes perfect sense for me.
