Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I am officially announcing my retirement from betrayals. I know this probably comes as a shock to a lot of you, but all good things must come to an end. I will use the remaining time I have on this planet to amend the wrong I have committed and the friendships I've shattered. Thank you for understanding.

Long ass speech
Vegapunk is just a huge troll
"I willingly created personal manifestations of evil, greed and violence and somehow one of them ended up betraying me! How could this happen?"

Vegastunk is such a troll and a failure he even managed to troll himself.

(why would he even think this shit about pacifistas if he knows he put in a safety to ensure they would obey Bonney no matter what? Is Loda that much of a fraud?)
"I willingly created personal manifestations of evil, greed and violence and somehow one of them ended up betraying me! How could this happen?"

Vegastunk is such a troll and a failure he even managed to troll himself.

(why would he even think this shit about pacifistas if he knows he put in a safety to ensure they would obey Bonney no matter what? Is Loda that much of a fraud?)
Why would he think the evil world Government won’t chase his ass if they aren’t content with him
I am officially announcing my retirement from betrayals. I know this probably comes as a shock to a lot of you, but all good things must come to an end. I will use the remaining time I have on this planet to amend the wrong I have committed and the friendships I've shattered. Thank you for understanding.

Yep don‘t buying that :pepecafe:
I am officially announcing my retirement from betrayals. I know this probably comes as a shock to a lot of you, but all good things must come to an end. I will use the remaining time I have on this planet to amend the wrong I have committed and the friendships I've shattered. Thank you for understanding.

Just like Loki ❤️
I am officially announcing my retirement from betrayals. I know this probably comes as a shock to a lot of you, but all good things must come to an end. I will use the remaining time I have on this planet to amend the wrong I have committed and the friendships I've shattered. Thank you for understanding.

I am officially announcing my retirement from betrayals. I know this probably comes as a shock to a lot of you, but all good things must come to an end. I will use the remaining time I have on this planet to amend the wrong I have committed and the friendships I've shattered. Thank you for understanding.

Looking at the calendar, realising it is not April 1st. Reading the comment over again and trying to just understand what you want to tell me.

The words you are putting together, do not really make sense in this context... . :kayneshrug:
I am officially announcing my retirement from betrayals. I know this probably comes as a shock to a lot of you, but all good things must come to an end. I will use the remaining time I have on this planet to amend the wrong I have committed and the friendships I've shattered. Thank you for understanding.

Bye Stabloaded. Hello Fluffyloaded