Gorosei Informer

Oh fuck me what have I done?! LMAO! @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier

Patch Notes - Worstgen Forums

Version 2.5.0

Hey there, Worstgen community! Bogard, your friendly neighborhood forum owner, is here with some hilarious update patch notes for you. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!

General Updates:

- Added an automated "Kidd vs. Shanks" debate feature. Now, when Pantheos declares war on Shanks fans, a virtual arena will appear where they can settle their differences. Warning: Things might get a little chaotic, so please keep your swords sheathed.

- Implemented a gender clarification tool for TheAncientCenturion. The confusion about their gender has caused quite a stir, but fear not! They can now choose their preferred pronouns and fight off any crazy TAC fanatics with the power of ultimate ambiguity.

- Al Sama, our beloved moderator supreme, has undergone intensive training to mediate between Pantheos and the Shanks fans. We equipped him with a "Peaceful Negotiation Hammer" to silence any heated arguments and bring harmony back to the forums. Let's hope it works!

Bug Fixes:

- Resolved the bug causing Pantheos to see Eustass Kidd everywhere on the forum. Turns out, it was just an overactive imagination mixed with an overdose of Kidd merchandise. Phew! Pantheos can now focus on more balanced discussions.

- Fixed the glitch causing TheAncientCenturion's profile picture to alternate randomly between male and female. They're an enigma, and we love them just the way they are! So, let's appreciate their unique identity without trying to label them.

- Squashed a bug that caused TAC fanatics to behave like crazy fangirls. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by their excessive enthusiasm. Remember, folks, fanatics come in all shapes and sizes!

New Features:

- Introducing the "Shanks vs. Kidd Meme Contest"! Show off your creativity and humor by creating hilarious memes that highlight the ongoing rivalry. The winner will receive an exclusive "Captain of Laughter" badge. May the best meme prevail!

- Added an interactive game called "Guess TAC's Gender." It's a tricky one! Participants who guess correctly will unlock a secret TAC-themed emoji pack. Let's see if you can crack the code!

That's all for now, folks! We hope these updates bring more laughter and camaraderie to the Worstgen Forums. Remember to play nice, have fun, and enjoy your stay. Bogard out!