Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Lmao right? I saw this randomly on YouTube Shorts and thought of Pot immediately naturally.

I knew cats could attack really fast but hares too? Hares pulling a Kenshiro, Fist Of The North Star or 1000/lightning punches style? Now that's impressive lmao.
Aye, we barrel bros gotta stick together

Also Oda should take note on how fast rabbits can attack

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
How will a snow fruit help?
Logias fella it's what they do
Like how Monet added a bladed edge to the wings to enhance her stuff
Being able to make basically anything with your element is what makes em really pop
Not to mention ol' Carrot does have that creative mind as seen when she drew art of the other fellas in the WCI rescue party