Maybe aokiji is the one who dies
Pointless. His character arc is still not over yet.

We don't know why he sided with BB and what his true motives and goals are.

Killing him off now does nothing other than just waste a character with potential.

Meanwhile Garp is just an old man from the past era, and we've already heard all his tales and feats. Its time to let him go.

Only an incompetent author/writer would choose to kill off the former. Are you calling Oda incompetent?

Gorosei Informer

Its also bittersweet and funny how this just started playing on my media player (its on shuffle) and we were talking about Zephyr here a little earlier, due to that Film Z hint we got and Garp possibly dying here too.

RIP Zephyr man....


If only Zephyr was canon, it would tie in perfectly with Kuzans arc/character atm too...


Also speaking of Film Z and Koby, its quite sad how a filler scene made Koby look MUCH better than Oda has done canonically! IIRC this is from the Film Z prelude filler arc or w/e? Somewhere around that time, early post TS?:

Aye tyvm man! Both for reading through that monstrous essay LMAO and your compliment!

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In all seriousness, there were major red flags and symbolism of passing the torch with Garp lately especially.

We also have the "Rocky Port incident" which as suspected, involved a former Rocks Pirate, as well as Koby, Blackbeard and Law. Garp is now on that same island, as Rocky Port is part of Beehive to rescue Koby from Blackbeard ironically.

Garp saying Koby is the Hero of the Marines now is a MAJOR red flag (death omen) and sign of passing the torch. Garp suspected or feels/knows he's not gonna make it out of this alive. Kinda makes me think of Yasuie, Pedro and Whitebeard too especially. Jiraiya went on a solo suicide mission and sacrificed himself to expose Pain's unstoppable secret so Pain could be ultimately "defeated" too.

Oda even hinted Whitebeard was gonna die from this moment, although since almost everyone is on Garps ship atm, I doubt its gonna get destroyed like the Moby Dick was (When the Magamussy is so hot, it destroys your Dick):

Another hint Whitebeard was prepare to die, he had that gruff, solemn attitude and expression, that comes from a lifetime of remorse/mistakes/regrets/guilt whatever and we know in hindsight now, he didn't just lose Thatch in cold blooded murder too and to a former "son" of his that he took in and adopted as well, but he also lost his own self appointed/declared brother, the one he loved the most to a former crewmate/rival/enemy of his from his former crew and Whitebeard was effectively powerless to stop that from happening, well its more that he didn't try, that he let it happen and didn't try to save him and now he's racked by that guilt/remorse, hence also why he's going all out to save Ace at Marineford.
Garp had that same sort of expression at the end of last chapter. The "I had a lot of regrets in my life, but in this moment, I have no regrets/nothing left to lose, unless he (Koby/my son) dies.", just like Whitebeard and Ace.

Even here we can see Whitebeard's failing health is pressing on him and making him more vulnerable/less able and restricting him from doing more to help/save Ace. He's running out of time, his body is giving up now but he's lived far too long, lost far too much and made far too many mistakes to let another irremdeemable, unforgettable, permanent mistake and loss happen too.

Garp was complaining he's weaker than he used to be, he's only at half his strength now compared to his prime, doesn't that sound familiar? Doesn't it seem like "Iron Garp" has gone down too easily here? The strongest Marine back in the day? The one who rivalled the Pirate King and almost killed him multiple times and helped to take down Xebec and the Rocks Pirates and was known/feared as a monster but also a a hero?

We haven't had a truly major death especially in the present timeline since Marineford. I would count Kaido and Big Mom assuming they are dead too ofc (I'm chugging on that hopium/copium majorly) but their "deaths" were so fucking disgraceful, that I refuse to count them too.
Definitely nowhere near as good as they could have had nor deserved. There was some nice dialogues and flashback stuff in their final moments but it was too limited for what they deserved.

Garp's death would really set off an incident to shake the world, be a DEVASTATING blow to the Marines and World Government, as the inheritors/successors of Xebec's will just killed off the man who ended Xebec and his crew before ironically. I wonder if they would regret executing Roger now and all those children including Ace ultimately now too?

Imagine how much of a morale BOOST and notoriety gain Blackbeard and co would get from this!? Way beyond a Yonko at this point, this would make them a Xebec level thread legitimately! Pirate King at minimum!
This in turn would cause such a mix of morale ruination/dampening or boosting with the Marines, depending on how they react to it too, they either will be depressed/upset/heartbroken and thus crushed by it OR they will snap Akainu style and want blood, revenge, to collect heads.

I suspect Akainu looks up to Garp or did before. His fighting style is the only other fist based fighting style amongst the Admirals at least (although Green Bull made those giant tree hands, but he was probs inspired by his idol Akainu for it funnily enough), both Akainu and Garp are extremely direct, brash, reckless, no nonsense, controversial type people. They don't give a fuck.
Both of them are hot headed, believe strongly in Justice and thus righteousness and both of them have major dog themes too. It can't be coincidence. It makes it more ironic that Akainu killed Ace too then and almost killed Luffy as well.

Given Akainu tried to kill Koby and almost did, that Kuzan his former rival/fellow Admiral who he almost killed too and won the position of Fleet Admiral over and Kuzan also betrayed the Marines and joined some of the worst pirates to exist and both of them are there on Beehive, along with Hibari who is suspected to be his daughter and was frozen by Kuzan mercilessly and yet he didn't freeze anyone else except Garp, making it seem personal on his part too, this would be a PERFECT time for Akainu to finally snap, not give a fuck and just go out and deal with shit himself, especially when Garp and Kuzan and possibly his own daughter are involved! In Blackbeard's, a Yonko's territory no doubt and the former base of the Rocks Pirates too!

Akainu said recently they're gonna strike back on all fronts and we've yet to see the fruition of what he meant too. If a fucking Gorosei can go out into the world just like that, why not let the Fleet Admiral for once? Granted Akainu has a more important, specific role or w/e, thbere is only 1 Ffeet Admiral and he needs to stay at the Marine HQ and there are 4 other Gorosei left if Saturn dies or gets kidnapped at least BUT if ther was ever a time Akainu could and should get to move out and do something, since he has gotten to do NOTHING since the timeskip, it is NOW especially!

Also what the fuck are Smoker, Drake and Fujitora doing already?! SMH! So tired of waiting and guessing!


Some parallels:

Whitebeard was betrayed by his "son"
Garp was betrayed by his disciple

Whitebeard faced the navy in the "navy island" to save his "new son" (He believed ace would be the future king of the pirates)
Garp faced the pirates in the "pirate island" to save his "new disciple" (he believes koby is the future of navy)

Whitebeard was stabbed by a sneak attack
Garp was stabbed by a sneak attack

Whitebeard son, i.e, teach now is the "nakama" of garp former disciple