Character Discussion The origin of the Gorosei and future of Kong

Many believe the Elders are immortal and date back to the void century. This is largely in part because they do not seem to age.

However, in chapter 1037, Saint Ju Peter refers to the Government as an entity outside of himself. Saint Mercury for his part says the Nika fruit is a legend "even to us". Why would it merely be legend if they existed back when Joyboy was large and in charge?

So while I agree they seem to be immortal, I do not think they were part of the original Government. In fact, I'm not even sure if they were born into the celestial dragons.

Here we see them telling York they'd make her a celestial dragon.
Now they could be blowing smoke to get what they want, but then the fact York is even asking this suggests it isn't outside of the realm of possibility. Maybe York knows something the reader doesn't, such as the precedent for being a celestial dragon.

Why do I bring this up? The answer is Kong.

I predict that Imu is in fact 800+ years old. Around that time, he created the Gorosei, and they adopted the names of planets. This is not unlike Alber taking on the name King.

Although the Gorosei are immortal (For reasons we do not know for fact) they can still be killed through certain methods. Possibly being blown up or maybe their immortality only extends to time and not injury.

So then over time, the original Gorosei were killed off one way or the other. When that happens, Imu finds a replacement for them and dubs them with the code-name of that planet from the previous Gorosei.

So to recap

  • Imu is 800+
  • The Gorosei as a group is 800+
  • The Gorosei members are given limited immortality along with a codename based on a planet.
  • The original Gorosei have been killed off, making tales such as JoyBoy "legend" to the existing members.
  • You don't have to be a Celestial by blood and can gain membership for other reasons.

All of this leads me to my theory for two events moving forward. First, Saturn will die in Egghead. Then, once Akainu and the admirals are gone, once the Marines have been split into loyalists and revolutionists, Kong will be brought to chambers to declare his allegiance. Kong will stay loyal to Imu, and in exchange, he wants a seat at the table left behind by Saturn.