Dortmund or Real, who wins the Champions league!?

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Gorosei Informer

Somehow I lost my entire post and then half of it instead, damn this site is trolling me!
(Probably a combination of my own mistakes, the site and my browser to be fair)

Post automatically merged:

I can't wait for @Dark-Abel to dethrone Redon especially! Dakr Abel will declare war on the "fraudulent, entitled leakers" and replace them with "authentic, trustworthy, reliable" spoilers instead!

Gorosei Informer

Holy fuck lol. This is fucking with my mind so much right now hahaha! I kinda wanted Kizaru to be associated with Wano but this somehow works LMAO!
I wanted most Admirals to have a connection to Wano somehow but I think I could find a way to associate them all lol. Imagine if the WG could have recruited them from there? In an alternate canon/storyline or w/e?

On a side note, I read a crack theory of the WG trying to recruit Kuina to be a Holy Knight and continuining their trafficking of children, like they did with Carmel and thus they targeted Kuina too, maybe because shes a descandant of Ryuuma too? Go figure anyway lol. Maybe thats why her twin Tashigi is in the Marines too?

Lmaoooo, this is a mafia thing right? As in the game here I mean, nothing else! No other implications/associations or w/e! *cough* er a "family business restaraunt" thing even?


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