Dortmund or Real, who wins the Champions league!?

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Kizaruber Eats

Life's coin always has two sides; flip it wisely.
Dread it

Run from it

Marco is stalling Kizaru or Saturn
I would actually laugh because it would make the "Stall Man" meme legit lmao
Devil Fruit: Stall-Stall Fruit
Ability: Temporal Stasis
The Stall-Stall Fruit grants its user the power to induce temporary stasis in objects and living beings within a certain range. This ability allows the user to halt the progression of time for affected targets, effectively stalling their actions and movements.
  1. Stall Field: The user can create a field of stasis within a limited radius around themselves. Anything or anyone within this field becomes temporarily frozen in time, unable to move or act until the stasis is lifted.
  2. Selective Stalling: The user has the ability to selectively stall specific objects or individuals within the stall field while allowing others to remain unaffected. This allows for precise targeting and strategic manipulation of the battlefield.
  3. Extended Stasis: The user can prolong the duration of stasis for targeted objects or individuals, effectively keeping them immobilized for an extended period. However, maintaining extended stasis requires more energy and concentration from the user.
  4. Stall Release: The user can release the stasis effect at will, allowing time to resume its normal flow for the affected targets. This can be used strategically to catch opponents off guard or to initiate follow-up attacks.
  1. Effective Crowd Control: The Stall-Stall Fruit excels in controlling the battlefield by immobilizing multiple opponents simultaneously. This allows the user and their allies to dictate the pace of the battle and create openings for strategic maneuvers.
  2. Defense and Evasion: The ability to induce stasis provides the user with a powerful defensive mechanism against incoming attacks. By freezing opponents in their tracks, the user can evade or counter enemy assaults with ease.
  3. Strategic Stalling: The fruit's stalling abilities can disrupt opponents' plans and strategies, buying valuable time for the user to assess the situation and formulate counterattacks. It can also be used to stall powerful adversaries, giving the user an opportunity to retreat or regroup.
  4. Versatility in Combat: The Stall-Stall Fruit offers versatility in combat by providing both offensive and defensive capabilities. Whether used for setting traps, creating openings, or immobilizing foes, the fruit's abilities can be adapted to various combat scenarios.
Overall, the Stall-Stall Fruit's stalling abilities make it a formidable asset in battles, allowing the user to control the flow of time and outmaneuver opponents with strategic precision.

Awakening: Temporal Nexus

Description: Upon awakening the Stall-Stall Fruit, the user gains the ability to manipulate time on a larger scale, extending the influence of stasis beyond their immediate vicinity. The user can create temporal nexuses, areas where time itself becomes malleable and subject to the user's control.

Awakening Abilities:

  1. Area-Wide Stasis: The user can extend the range of their stalling abilities to encompass a larger area, effectively freezing everything within the designated temporal nexus. This allows the user to halt the movements of multiple adversaries or even entire battlefields.
  2. Temporal Distortion Waves: The user can emit waves of temporal distortion from their body, causing localized disruptions in the flow of time within the temporal nexus. These distortions can alter the speed of time, creating pockets of accelerated or decelerated time within the affected area.
  3. Temporal Resonance: The user can synchronize the temporal frequencies of objects and individuals within the temporal nexus, causing them to resonate with the user's temporal signature. This resonance amplifies the effects of stasis, making it more difficult for affected targets to break free from the time-freezing effect.
  4. Temporal Shift: The user can manipulate the flow of time within the temporal nexus, shifting between past, present, and future states at will. This allows the user to replay past events, foresee future outcomes, or alter the course of history within the affected area.
Strengths of Awakening:

  1. Greater Control: The awakening of the Stall-Stall Fruit grants the user unprecedented control over the fabric of time, allowing them to manipulate temporal phenomena with precision and finesse.
  2. Expanded Range: With the ability to create temporal nexuses, the user can exert their stalling influence over larger areas, making it challenging for opponents to evade or counter their abilities.
  3. Tactical Superiority: The awakening abilities open up new strategic possibilities for the user, enabling them to reshape the battlefield, outmaneuver opponents, and orchestrate complex temporal strategies with ease.
  4. Overwhelming Presence: The sheer power of the temporal nexus can exert a psychological impact on adversaries, instilling a sense of helplessness and despair as they find themselves trapped within the user's temporal domain.
In summary, the awakening of the Stall-Stall Fruit elevates its stalling abilities to a whole new level, transforming the user into a master of temporal manipulation capable of reshaping reality itself within the confines of their temporal nexus.
