So in the recent chapters it's been talking about power/energy source in the One Piece world. Lilith mentions that Egghead is powered by fire, because fire can be converted into many different types of energy and if there was an eternal fire they could create their own Sun. Shaka also mentions that the Ancient Kingdom had an unknown power source that was very advanced.
My theory is that this unknown power source, the powers behind devil fruits and even Haki is based on this:
Electromagnetic Waves.
So first off, if we look at the parallels between the OP world and the real world, "old" energy would be burning fossil fuels just like what is happening in Egghead and "new" energy would be renewable energies (e.g Solar, wind, waves) or GREEN energy. I think that the Ancient kingdom knew how to directly harness the energy from the Sun in the form of EM waves, solar panels basically, but in more ways than one.
Assuming Devil Fruits actually came from the AK and that devil fruits are not just magical tools that create powers from nothing and that there is a scientific basis behind it, I think devil fruits are powered by the Sun as well. Being able to change your body into different materials, creating elements from nothing and changing the user itself into animals and changing back require energy. And this energy is from the Sun. I have 2 points that support this:
Lastly, I think Haki is also based off EM waves, more specifically, electricity. The first time we see Haki being used was during Skypiea, where we were introduced to Mantra/Observation Haki. Enel himself said that he could extend the range of his mantra/haki due to the powers of his electricity fruit. Haki itself has been shown to manifest itself physically in the form of lightning bolts.
TLDR: Every power in OP is based on EM waves.
Thanks for listening.
My theory is that this unknown power source, the powers behind devil fruits and even Haki is based on this:
Electromagnetic Waves.
So first off, if we look at the parallels between the OP world and the real world, "old" energy would be burning fossil fuels just like what is happening in Egghead and "new" energy would be renewable energies (e.g Solar, wind, waves) or GREEN energy. I think that the Ancient kingdom knew how to directly harness the energy from the Sun in the form of EM waves, solar panels basically, but in more ways than one.
Assuming Devil Fruits actually came from the AK and that devil fruits are not just magical tools that create powers from nothing and that there is a scientific basis behind it, I think devil fruits are powered by the Sun as well. Being able to change your body into different materials, creating elements from nothing and changing the user itself into animals and changing back require energy. And this energy is from the Sun. I have 2 points that support this:
- SMILES. SMILES are incomplete and inferior devil fruits that are only of the Zoan types that give a permanent change to the user's body and the user has no option to change between forms like a real DF. The reason why there are no paramecia/logia SMILES is because I think, SMILES do not harness energy from the sun and cannot create energy/elements or do some other effects that requires energy/power. SMILES are just a one time attempt at mutating the user's lineage factor/dna so the changes are permanent.
- Blackbeard's Ability to shut down devil fruit powers when he is touching them. Blackbeard mentioned Darkness is "Gravity", and similar to light which is a type of EM wave, all EM waves cannot escape a blackhole and I think BB's ability essentially prevents the DF powers from working by absorbing the EM waves needed to power the DF powers.
Lastly, I think Haki is also based off EM waves, more specifically, electricity. The first time we see Haki being used was during Skypiea, where we were introduced to Mantra/Observation Haki. Enel himself said that he could extend the range of his mantra/haki due to the powers of his electricity fruit. Haki itself has been shown to manifest itself physically in the form of lightning bolts.
- I think obeservation haki just works like radiowaves and the user is reading the brainwaves or something.
- I'm not really a scientist but armament can sort of be explained by why an object feels solid or not. The electron arrangement of an object determines whether something is solid/liquid/gas, correct me if I'm wrong haha.
- It also could just be the EM waves of haki disrupting the EM waves of the DF.
TLDR: Every power in OP is based on EM waves.
Thanks for listening.