General & Others This is an "impregnable fortress" not Wano

I agree that Hunter is better than One Piece. Now in terms of protagonism, shounens are all flour from the same bag.

Terms of Nen getting stronger by force of will, conditions, possibility of using their maximum potential in exchange for their life... It's pure protagonism, the difference is that the author explains everything.
If we look at dis from current OP-analyzer skeptical eyes tho, all we will see is gonna be the weak point of this panel.

- what kinda art is dat is the mangaka a grade schooler? Wat a creative background, wat a creative char design wow i never seen those kinda designs in my life

- what kinda fighters are dhose? So they simply allow a guy to take a card from his pocket and wait for the explanation? wow so much cringe

- so a guy just get a convenient ability for himself as long as he wills it then his Nen will provide it?

- so he couldnt just teleport everyone away? He must tell them first of the conditions, handicapping himself in battle situation? Lol at doing unnecessary stuff just for the sake of overcomplicating the situations for us readers without any relevance, and even doing blunder against the purpose of his own group

- oh i see the author sacrifice his brain area used for drawing to squeeze out unnecessarily complicated abilities and situations

- etc etc
Now in terms of protagonism, shounens are all flour from the same bag.
No they are not.

Gon most of time doesn't shine against main villains.
That Game Arc(forgot the name) and Chimera Ant Arc were probably the only time he has a fight against main villains and win.

Game Arc he had help from someone much stronger than main villains and made such an elaborate plan to beat them.
Chimera Ant Arc he almost gave his life to beat Pitou and lost his nen after that. Even Pitou could react while dead against Gon/Killua(she aimed Killua but took Adult Gon's arm off).

DBZ specifically(forget any other DB) the only protagonist moment was SSJ against Freeza which at least was very well explained different from G5 Luffy. Besides that Goku is putting the work to beat all villains and most of time needs help(teamfight) to beat the main ones. Like Raditz, Vegeta, Cell(Gohan actually), Buu.