The animations sometimes looked nice. It looks like the nicest animation I've ever saw ever at times, but the colors hurt my eyes. I also had a hard time following luffy's fights. I didn't like how wiggly the characters became at times, this happened randomly.
I was also a little irratated at the blantant favortism for Zoro by the animation directors. It turned me away from one piece more because it showed me my favorite character feats and moments like law/kidd can be taken away by rivals personnel involved. Most of the filler is pretty bad but that is expected with one piece filler.
I did not like most of the anime during wano. Sometimes the animation was good, but I never truly had a stunning moment. I remember the dbz freeize fight, or gohan rage in the cell sage, or goku turning ultra insinct for the first time, or luffy's finisher on lucci. I never had moments that made me pause. The beginning was long and boring, the middle was okay but boring, the end was animated good. There were many moment adapted from the anime that I thought would be more impactful but they are glossed over.