General & Others Too strong to get stronger


First up kaido and oden
Imo 20 years ago when they were both coincidentally 39 the 2 were equal with them mastering their abilities to the best of their abilities just right before being able to hit that next level. That being kaido lacking awakening his fruit and oden his blades. As for why they never fully achieved those feats I think it 100% has to do with them just being too strong

Both were limited by their own strength in their own ways. Imo death is the key to both zoan awakening and forging a black blade. Something kaido probably figured out too late and maybe something oden just never learned before dying. It could also have been the case he never felt pushed to do so with him being comfortable in his own strength

We know both fruits and strong enough weapons are capable of having their own personalities and finding users they themselves feel worthy of them. I think it’s through death that they can truly become one with the user if they happen to be fully worthy to embody their will

Like using a fruit doesn’t mean you’re going to master it or having a meito doesn’t mean you’re going to make it black but hey that doesn’t mean that can’t find people capable of using them until they find someone more capable eventually

Imo you need to die in order to achieve zoan awakening but if you’re not truly worthy the fruit either takes over your body or it just moves on to find a new host.
I think black blades involve giving yourself up to the blade aka straight up killing yourself. If worthy you become one with the blade and if not damn…. I also think you can give up less if yourself for lesser gains. That imo tying to zoro’s eyes and shusui

If both lived longer both would have been able to achieve their true potential. Tho tbh kaido might return awakened after his fight with luffy

While not exactly the same because death isn’t a requirement for paramecia awakenings whitebeard and big mom might have also been in a similar situation. Tho tbh more so big mom

With how unnaturally strong they are without their fruits they likely weren’t put in too many situations where they really had to push beyond themselves and their limits
Tho with all of whitebeard’s scars and battles he’s been through throughout the years I do think he had to be awakened. That being what pushed him ahead of characters like big mom, shiki, and kaido and onto Roger’s level

As for big mom nobody really wanted smoke with her and her giant ass crew + territories. Even roger the pirate king himself rather be a bit sneaky and steal a copy of her poneglyph than go through an all out war against her. Probably because it’d just be a pain in the ass lol. Remember even shiki and his fleet were a big deal so I can only imagine trying to invade tottoland being even more annoying

Unironically she might have been deadass to strong and prepared to the point ain’t nobody wanted to deal with fighting her. With her essentially stun locking herself for decades unable to really grow stronger herself. Instead just lowkey getting fat, old, and kinda lazy since she spent so many years just waiting to do shit
Even when she was given opportunities to basically fuck up the balance whether it was getting the giants on her side or germa tech she got fucked over lol

Point is her being too strong and prepared essentially isolating herself accidentally stunted her growth. So instead of getting personally stronger achieving awakening she just got fat and old waiting because their was no real incentive
Roger --- Top 3 Candidate by Fans
WB --- Top 3 Candidate by Fans
Xebec --- Top 3 Candidate by Fans
Shanks --- Top 3 Candidate by Fans
Oden --- "Let's pretend We didn't see him in that Panel"

All because He is related to Zoro's Hype in many ways, let's get Biased & put him wherever our Agenda works best,
Oden is just a Re-Skin of Roger, no different than Shanks or Rayleigh or Garp or WB or Xebec ... etc
Oden is Roger if He was a Samurai, deal with it.
Actually is zoro fans who underrated him and put him below Ray...
See that's what you all don't understand.
Just because Kaidou top 5 Didn't other many strong characters.

Doesn't mean they are weak.
We have characters like Ray , Garp , Sengoku , Bigmam. Even Garling(I hope so).

But Kaidou , Definitely fought , Xebec , Whitebeard while he was in the crew with them.

- Then he fought Roger. (IDK when , but he did because kuma flashback , kaidou comment is sort of like he held a grudge , and Roger being Superior at that time definitely treated like how A Yonkou would Treat a YC1(Average))

- Then he Fought Oden.
- He probably Fought Shanks in between marineford arc off panel.

But we have whatsoever no evidence of Garp , Ray , Sengoku , Bigmam fighting him.

I understand Bigmam was in the crew as well , but bigmam herself said she treated him like a brother and even saved him afterwards.

Kaidou has no clash with types of Mihawk , current admirals. Not saying they would even as a Mihawk fan , you can keep the benefit of doubt. But they are surely scales around G4 AdCoC luffy easily.
And Kaidou already Acknowledged that.