Ultimate HxH Combat Ability Tier List

Ranking almost every Nen user in the series. Inspired by Extravlad.
Keep in mind that some of this is pure conjecture as some of these characters simply lack the feats at this point.

Some clarifications because I know people might complain:

Raw aura doesn't equal strength or combat ability and this is one of the fundamental Principles of Nen fights as we've seen time and time again and as was stated by pro Hunters like Morel.

Pouf simply lacks the combat feats. His position in the Royal Guards clearly were intel/strategy/mind games. He opted to play mind games against a weakened Morel when imprisoned by him instead of wrecking his shit as Pitou and Youpi would have done with no problem. Both the other Royal Guards would have quickly disposed of Morel and be out. That's wh yI put him a tier below the other Guards while still giving him the benefit of the doubt by saying he probably should be able to defeat Morel.

Tserriednich has enormous god like talent but he is just now learning Nen. In the future he will likely be much higher.

Pariston is similar to Pouf in the sense that it is his mind which is most dangerous. Ging seems to think he could beat him up no problem and even confidently assessed that the doll girl clearly was the most powerful of Beyond's Expedition Team

Matchups matter. Some people are hard counters to others (e.g. Kurapika vs Uvogin). That doesn't mean they are the better overall fighters or would do better against a variety of other Nen users.

With that here is my tier list:
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