General & Others Understanding crew structures (video)

Hey check out this video, that addresses how many of the yonko crews in One Piece are formed and dispelling notions such as "Benn Beckman is a yonko commander" . Really great stuff.

Yea every crew structure is a little different. To me i only use "yc" tiers as a general ranking to easily place a character. Example mingo i think he is yc3 cuz a fight between him and cracker or vista or jack is a toss up with the winner taking it at extreme diff.

I still don't understand the people that want the sh's to structure the crew like wb's or kaido's when he's supposed to have 1 of if not the strongest crew ever. The crew structure was never luffy far and away stronger than any on it with 3 characters separate from the rest. Luffy had 2 characters under him that were near him with a capable crew of specialists after them. This added 1 more in jinbe who jinbe being at least yc3 not confirmed luffy as a yc like crew. This can change even more if yamato joined and you'd have 5 characters on the "yc" levels on 1 crew with the rest being around or slightly above vet level which no other crew shown. Sh's are gonna be a better roger crew. Its imo going to be like shanks crew if it had mihawk but a step stronger.
WB: 16
BB: 10 (or 9)
BM: 4
Kaido: 3
Enel: 4
Croc: 5+
Moriah: 3
Doffy: 4
Buggy: 2
FA: 3
Warden: 3
Law: 0
Kidd: 1

this crew "structure" stuff is a bunch of horseraddish.

EDIT: @JazzMazz you are right ofc
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