Theory Uranus Theory

I believe that Uranus is diametrically opposed to Poseidon. It is the same in nature but opposite. I know some believe it is this new thing that imu used, but let me explain why this is not the case. Why do the fishman alone possess so much power, the lunarians were called gods meaning they were revered as the most powerful race on the earth at the time. Something has become very obvious as of late in the story but oda has purposefully contrasted the lunarians and fishman heavily in his story.

Lunarians use fire. Fishman use water
Lunarians fly in the sky. Fishman swim in the sea
Lunarians dominate in aerial combat. Fishman dominate in underwater combat
Lunarians were seen as gods above humans. Fishman were seen as inferior beneath humans
Lunarians lived way above the surface in mariejois. Fishman lived way below the surface in ryugyu kingdom
URANUS is the God of the sky. POSEIDON is the God of the sea

You can see how many clear obvious contrasts oda has done between the 2 races. This is very intentional, and i believe at one point in time these 2 were in battle in a holy war, and this war between them was ceased by JOYBOY who united their leaders at the time. He ended the conflict akin to Shanks at marineford. I believe the lunarian people created the dfs, this made them weak to the sea but this also made them vulnerable to the water control of fishman, The LAND was splaterred with blood and chaos until Joyboy stepped in.

I believe JOYBOY is of the ONI/ANCIENT giant race, this is the strongest race on land. The land is the middle ground between the sea and sky, and one could say the connect between the sea and sky. The 2 soverigns of the races at that time i believe was the fishman princess and the lunarian prince. We know from Otohimes words that mermaid princess of the void century had the power to control the sea kings. This seems to be a voice of all things related power as luffy can hear them but he can't command them.

I believe this lunarian prince has the opposite ability, he has the ability to control the sky kings. what sky kings you ask? Oda has actually heavily foreshadowed this. The legendary bird of prey from the arabic myth the ROC bird. It has been shown in the story in skypiea and it could breath fire using a dial. Even through luffys attacks oda has emphasised this. It is said in the legend of the ROC that it was so huge it could hold elephants in its talons.

Luffys gear 3 punch with armament is called ELEPHANT GUN
Luffys gear 3 punch with conquerors is called ROC GUN

This isn't the RED ROC btw thats a different attack to ROC GUN believed me i checked

Conquerors >> Armament
Roc >> Elephant
Uranus(ROC controlled by lunarian prince) >>> Zunesha( Elephant controlled by wano shogun/prince momonouske)

I believe this bird of prey is the GOD of the sky essentially, and is so big it could lift up zunesha by the claws as i said before. You can easily see how a bird of this magnitude is easily WORLD DESTROYING level. Shirahoshi is also not fully aware of her powers, and the only other voice of all things users are luffy and momo, luffy hardly understands his powers either and he is an idiot, and momo is also not too understanding about his powers and is also an 8 yr old kid in a 28 yr old mans body. This persons characters work very similarly to her own, i believe this person could teach shirahoshi how to use her powers to the full extent.

Anyway we know a large portion of the lunarians are dead, but as we know in many purge stories they often try to preserve the ROYALTY of said race. Now what exactly do i think is the weapon that Imu used, i believe this weapon is the sky equivalent of the noah, a spaceship/air ship that can transfer people from space(moon) to the earth, and i believe the lunarians built it so they could take all their people from the moon to the earth during the pre 900 history.

NOAHs purpose - bring entire fishman populase to surface
Giant space ship - bring entire lunarian populase to surface

Another thing to note about the lunarians, I believe it is already kinda obvious, but the world nobles have stolen their identity. The lunarians in actuality are the TRUE CELESTIAL DRAGONS, the true rulers of mariejois. Unless you blind clearly charloss isn't a dragon or dragon-like in anyway. The lunarians were given the name celestial dragons as they are literally humanoid dragons. Dragons are sterotypically known to posesss wings/flames/scales.

Lunarians have wings, they have fire, they have scale like defence when there fire on their backs is active. These are the traits of a dragon, this is why they were given the name. Celestial means from space, the name Lunar = moon. These lunarians were once a people of the moon, we can see from the enel coverpage that the 3 winged races left the moon to come down to earth.

We know Kaidou was known as the strongest creature on land air and sea, and this makes sense given the fact he is a dragon, a fish and oni simulatenously.

Lunarians = Strongest race in air
Oni = strongest race on land
Fishman = strongest race in sea

I believe the ancient weapons are 2 people that only Joyboy can unite, and a battleship that Joyboy created during the void century with his skills as a shipwright along with his nakama. This series always comes full circle to luffy meaning that only luffy/joyboy can bring shirahoshi and this lunarian prince to work together. I believe they are opposite in not only race but appearance and character.

Shirahoshi is extremely huge, I believe the lunarian prince is extremely small.
Shirahoshis cowardice and weakness are highlighted despite her huge size, i believe the lunarian princes bravery and strength are highlighted despite their small size.
Shirahoshi is extremely forgiving, the level of her forgiveness is the highest in the story. Lunarian prince is very vengeful and full of wrath. Most vengeful in story likely.

Luffy has one ability that no one else has. He has the ability to become giant. This is something scientists in one piece have tried for centuries but failed miserably. I believe in normal form luffy stands eye to eye with the lunarian prince. And in giant form stands eye to eye with Shirahoshi

See eye to eye = be in agreement

Luffy is the only person who can see eye to eye with both of these characters
I think it perfectly fits Imu is lunarian and it possess uranus.

It also fits why imu and arbel hid from the existence its because they are supposed to be long dead race during void century.

Overall nice catch.
Nice theory! This would work really well and tie it all together neatly. I await the arrival of the Lunarian Prince! The first three images aren't showing up for me, btw.

Where do you fit Pluton into this?
Nice theory. Actually I came up with something similar about King being Uranus before the chapter about Lulusia's destruction came out.
But if you claim that Imu is Lunarian - we've seen his/her silhuette - s/he doesn't have any wings. How do you explain this? And why are all Lunarians being hunted and persecuted, if the one controlling the entire world is one of them?
Although if Imu is Lunarian, and a woman like the silhuette suggests, maybe there's still a future for the Lunarian race.