Character Discussion Usopp without fear is comparable to the M3

I miss the impact dials from Skypea. Did he even use them again post - TS? I forget.
It is not good at this lvl Chuus water gun was pretty good as a weapon for example, at this point slingshot just doesn't cut it.

Oda bases Usopp on Prophed David who killed Jalut and become the leader of jews but his slingshot was kind of a miracle since he could have hear the voices of rocks and then he the rocks penetrated Jaluts armor like a armor penetration bullets. This slingshot also looks different then usopps and more like the ones people of Gaza uses against Isreal soldiers.

Usopp needs a wepon at that lvl where you can't afford to get hit and you may die from it or at least faint. I think Kidds railgun is more parralel to that concept so if Oda doesn't give Usopp a strong weapon or an ability that can accelerate projectiles i don't see him growing.