Speculations Vegapunk's dream is to build a spaceship and sail to the Moon

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Vegapunk is shown to complain about a lack of resources and funding. It's clear that he feels constricted by the government, and wants to do more than he can right now.

We know that Vegapunk is a genius who loves consuming technology... including ancient technology. I think he'd want to investigate the Ancient Weapons, and ancient weaponry like what was found by Enel on the moon.

What was featured in the center of the Library of Ohara?

Yep, a map of the solar system. To the scholars of Ohara, astronomy was important enough to the ancient history that they had a large astronomical model in the middle of their library.

But, wait, there's more!

Vegapunk's home island, which Franky visited during the Time Skip, Karakuri Island (https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Karakuri_Island), was also home to this man: the scientist who made the automata in Enel's Cover Story.

This man, Dr. Tsukimi, died while watching an explosion on the moon and then choking.

So, an old scientist from Vegapunk's hometown was researching robots, who are capable of surviving on the moon. Hmmmmm.

If explosions are occurring on the moon, then I'm guessing Vegapunk is capable of monitoring that. If the librarians of Ohara had a functional model of the solar system, Vegapunk should have one as well, since he's the greatest genius in the world.

Vegapunk's dream is too sail to the moon, and make a lab where he's free to mine for resources as much as he pleases, and can make whatever technology he wants, and experiment however he wants.

Furthermore, what does Egghead Island also kind of look like? A planet, right?

What else does it look like? Look real close.

Notice the similar shape between the top of Egghead, and the machine Imu used to destroy Lulusia?

Egghead Island clearly is a cracked egg, but, that doesn't mean Vegapunk couldn't have turned it into something else over time. Look at the ring wrapping around it? What's the point of that?

Imu's world is based around division. Keeping people in certain seas. Making sure people are either under the WG's control, or treated as lawless and left to rot and die. If people could travel to space, that would be the ultimate FUCK YOU to Imu's global control.

My theory is that Vegapunk is being assassinated, because he's trying to build a spaceship to fly to the moon. This a wild theory, but, at this point, it's clear Vegapunk is connected to the moon and ancient technology.

Who knows? Maybe the next arc after Egghead... is the Moon? Look at Luffy and Bonney's outfits... kind of look like space suits, don't they?!? Alright, I'm done
I'm sure the moon will play a part eventually

It's funny tbh

Skypiea may actually be the most important arc in the series

- Enel's goal is to go to the moon

Clearly important as most other villains seek nothing but destruction or strength. This makes him a clear outlier

- We learn humans/earth creatures can breath in space (maybe unique to skypieans)

This is extremely important. It means it's possible for the strawhats (or any other humans) to venture there

- We learn there used to be a race of people that lived on the moon (the ancestors of the skypieans and maybe even the normal people)

- Most people ignore this but we learn that there are space pirates. This means you can actually "sail" through space and go to different planets

This may be Luffy's dream actually. To sail through space instead of the seas or something like that

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
I'm sure the moon will play a part eventually

It's funny tbh

Skypiea may actually be the most important arc in the series

- Enel's goal is to go to the moon

Clearly important as most other villains seek nothing but destruction or strength. THis makes him a clear outlier

- We learn humans/earth creatures can breath in space (maybe unique to skypieans)

This is extremely important. It means it's possible for the strawhats (or any other humans) to venture there

- We learn there used to be a race of people that lived on the moon (the ancestors of the skypieans and maybe even the normal people)

- Most people ignore this but we learn that there are space pirates. This means you can actually "sail" through space and go to different planets

This may be Luffy's dream actually. To sail through space instead of the seas or something like that
The cover story also tell us balloons can get you to the moon, no need for advanced ship lol
And who just got the power to make everything into balloon recently? Goofy can use his sun god reality breaking power to get to the moon whenever he want :moonwalk:


Vegapunk is shown to complain about a lack of resources and funding. It's clear that he feels constricted by the government, and wants to do more than he can right now.

We know that Vegapunk is a genius who loves consuming technology... including ancient technology. I think he'd want to investigate the Ancient Weapons, and ancient weaponry like what was found by Enel on the moon.

What was featured in the center of the Library of Ohara?

Yep, a map of the solar system. To the scholars of Ohara, astronomy was important enough to the ancient history that they had a large astronomical model in the middle of their library.

But, wait, there's more!

Vegapunk's home island, which Franky visited during the Time Skip, Karakuri Island (https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Karakuri_Island), was also home to this man: the scientist who made the automata in Enel's Cover Story.

This man, Dr. Tsukimi, died while watching an explosion on the moon and then choking.

So, an old scientist from Vegapunk's hometown was researching robots, who are capable of surviving on the moon. Hmmmmm.

If explosions are occurring on the moon, then I'm guessing Vegapunk is capable of monitoring that. If the librarians of Ohara had a functional model of the solar system, Vegapunk should have one as well, since he's the greatest genius in the world.

Vegapunk's dream is too sail to the moon, and make a lab where he's free to mine for resources as much as he pleases, and can make whatever technology he wants, and experiment however he wants.

Furthermore, what does Egghead Island also kind of look like? A planet, right?

What else does it look like? Look real close.

Notice the similar shape between the top of Egghead, and the machine Imu used to destroy Lulusia?

Egghead Island clearly is a cracked egg, but, that doesn't mean Vegapunk couldn't have turned it into something else over time. Look at the ring wrapping around it? What's the point of that?

Imu's world is based around division. Keeping people in certain seas. Making sure people are either under the WG's control, or treated as lawless and left to rot and die. If people could travel to space, that would be the ultimate FUCK YOU to Imu's global control.

My theory is that Vegapunk is being assassinated, because he's trying to build a spaceship to fly to the moon. This a wild theory, but, at this point, it's clear Vegapunk is connected to the moon and ancient technology.

Who knows? Maybe the next arc after Egghead... is the Moon? Look at Luffy and Bonney's outfits... kind of look like space suits, don't they?!? Alright, I'm done
Bu but enel already went to moon.
Vegapunk is slow lmao.
So Enel and some skypieans bums who build a flying ship > Vegapunk :quest:

It might be something related to space (all of the design in this arc is futuristic and space related), but much more complicated than simply going to one of the Moon of OP's planet.