Questions & Mysteries Wano is almost over and we haven't seen Kaido's territory and flagship

Probably a trivial and irrelevant matter to discuss, but still better than arguing Zoro vs Sanji or ZKK vs Joyboy 24/7...

Anyway, Oda set up the Yonko as these four great pirates who have power, influence and most of all, their own territory. Yet with Kaido, we only see 2 islands: Wano and some random winter island from Caribou cover story...

Big Mom who's supposed to be equal to him had her own archipelago with each island being commanded by one officer from her family. Yet, Kaido's top brass lacks any such role apparently, especially considering its only 10 of them (calamity + flying) who are worth any damn in the grand scheme of things. And 3 of those (calamities) are in charge of handling the Wano regions (Queen Udon, Jack Kuri, etc...) so I doubt they are free to handle other island jurisdiction roles.

Shanks, Whitebeard and Big Mom also had their own main flagships, even Blackbeard has one that's mentioned (Saber of Xebec) but not revealed yet. So where is Kaido's flagship at...? you'd think it would be at Onigashima, his headquarters, but that island is wrecked to hell now and there's no sight of it whatsoever.

The most likely answer for both these questions is probably that Oda gonna reveal it in some SBS or Vivre Card, but I find that rather disappointing and lame, like King's bounty reveal not being in the manga...
Dont think Kaido uses a ship.

About the territory, i would like if Oda expanded more on it. Seems like Kaido one is kind different from BM, she have her main one in Totland and just extract tribute on other islands like FI, while letting them govern themselves. Kaido seems to enslave the islands and transform them in industrial centers, kind like Wano.